Chat to NICE ME/CFS guideline committee members

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence finally published their much awaited ME/CFS guideline on 29th October 2021. This came after they delayed publication in August, instead holding a roundtable event to discuss issues raised by some professional bodies. #MEAction UK attended this roundtable and report on the event here.

#MEAction UK is now giving community members the chance to chat with two of the guideline committee who spent the last three years developing the new ME/CFS guideline from NICE.

This event was originally scheduled to take place in August, but had to be postponed when NICE delayed publication of the guideline.

Join us on Tuesday 30th November at 5pm, for this community Q&A.

We’re excited to welcome:

  • Adam Lowe, lay member and person with ME
  • Caroline Kingdon, Research Nurse and Research Fellow working with the UK ME/CFS Biobank

This is your chance to delve into more depth around the guideline, ask questions about the processes that were undertaken, or find out what these committee members see as the most noteworthy recommendations this guideline makes. You could ask how they see care for people with ME changing, or what they think the next steps are now the guideline is published.

They can’t tell us what other committee members said during meetings, but they will answer all your questions to the best of their ability.

You will be able to ask questions by putting your hand up and speaking, typing in the chat box, or sending us a question in advance to [email protected]  

There are only 100 spaces to attend so register now!

We will broadcast it live to Facebook, so that others can watch too. And we will be recording it so that those who need to can watch it at their own pace.

The session will be facilitated by Sian Leary from #MEAction UK and Karima Rahman from #MEAction Scotland, and held on Bluejeans – our video conferencing software. You can access this on all devices, but will need to download the app if you are on a tablet or mobile.

We look forward to seeing you there and getting some fascinating insight from these two committee members.



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