Plan for #MillionsMissing Now! Read the Toolkit!

#MillionsMissing 2019 is fast approaching, and now is the time to get started! Demonstrations calling for health equality for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) will take place around the globe throughout the week of May 5th – 12th, 2019. We are only two months away!

How will you join the movement? Check out our toolkit and determine which level is right for you:

  • Protest on social media
  • Organize or join a small gathering
  • Organize or join a community demonstration
  • Organize or join a citywide demonstration

If you would like to take the lead or help organize a demonstration or event, get in touch with ME activists in your hometown to start communicating about the plan. Find a local #MEAction Facebook group near you, here.

Also, register your demonstration here (even if you just want to pursue the option but aren’t sure on details), and we can help put you in touch with others from your area.

We are encouraging each location to think about how they can make a creative, visual impact this year. One or two simple ideas can make a big difference – we lay it all out in the toolkit!

We’ve made important strides in making our voices heard before our government leaders across the world, but we have much more to do. More than ever, we need to grow our movement and remain persistent in our demands for urgent, sweeping change, for equitable research funding and care, accurate medical education and an end to the harm and stigma.

[maxbutton id=”17″ url=”” text=”Read the Toolkit” ]


[maxbutton id=”21″ url=”” text=”Read the UK toolkit” ]



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