We tallied up some numbers from our #TeachME, TreatME campaign to educate clinicians and medical students about ME, and the results are fantastic! The campaign has been a herculean effort by #MEAction staff and our 16 incredible teams across the U.S and U.K., and we are beyond proud!
And, the campaign is ongoing! You can still email your doctor in the U.S. and ask them to take the Mayo Clinic CME (here), or share a flier with them in person. If you know any medical students, please share our ME/CFS flashcards with them (here). Meanwhile, we still have two upcoming events, and #MEAction is working to secure partnerships with 5 major medical systems across the U.S. to build up their ME care. Watch this space!
#TeachME, TreatME Campaign by the Numbers:
- 19 medical education events took place across the U.S. and U.K
- 402 clinicians attended in-person events
- 100,000 views of the Mayo Clinic Proceedings paper, with thousands of new views during the campaign!
- 421 clinicians took the Mayo CME or got credit for another CME as part of the initiative!
- Researchers and clinicians from five organizations expressed interest in ongoing med ed partnerships: Mayo Clinic, Georgetown, Emory, Brown, and University of Montreal
Keep our work going! Make a donation today!
Our Campaign’s Social Reach:

One of the most exciting aspects of our #TeachMETreatME campaign was our reach to non-followers – people who are new to #MEAction. These may be people who have never heard of ME but are ready to learn, researchers, politicians, clinicians, med students, journalists…you never know who you might reach on social media!
We are making connections time and time again that can lead to real-world change. AND, YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN! Your saves, shares, comments, and likes on #MEAction content helps get us out into the wider world. THANK YOU!
And, now for some examples in numbers of our reach!
Overall reach
(Please note these numbers only include 4 of our 7 social media accounts.)
- Our #MEAction content reached almost 300,000 users and had nearly 500,000 impressions.
- During our campaign, the amount of non-followers who saw our content dramatically increased. On Facebook our reach to non-followers increased by almost 200% and on Instagram our reach increased by 600%!
Video reach – The videos that you helped make were very effective!
- On X (aka Twitter) the “years it took to receive diagnosis” video received over 43,000 views. On Instagram, the same video received around 18,000 views and around 62% were from non-followers.
- On Instagram, your videos of “why this campaign is important” received 19,000 views and 76% of those were non-followers. Shares on those reels individually brought in another 22,000 views.
We never want to focus on the numbers over the individuals, but the numbers here do tell a story! The great news is we can still use the content and videos to continue reaching others! You can find the #TeachMETreatME videos across our social media, and share away!
Keep the Campaign Alive
Our #TeachME, TreatME campaign is an ongoing fixture of #MEAction. We encourage every person to share the Mayo Clinic CME with their doctor – clinicians are always looking for classes to fulfill their learning requirements. Please see our resources for sharing: email template (here), flier (here) and Anki flashcards for medical students (here).
We’ve also created a robust toolkit of resources for #MEAction State Chapters and volunteers to host their own medical education events in the future. We will keep you posted on future developments with partnerships as they progress.The work continues!