#MEAction Swinging Through The Press Jungle

Welcome to the jungle, the press jungle! It’s hot and noisy here, with news fresh off the press. Trying to get the attention of the media is not as impossible as legend had it! This is Adriane, and as your Press Scribe, I’m here to write our way through this next adventure and make sure everyone is talking about it!

We’re here because we surpassed our latest goal of $35,000. This coming Tuesday will be Giving Tuesday and your chance to get your donation matched by Facebook (we got a Facebook match last year and we hope to do it again!). Once we reach our next goal of $50,000, Jaime Seltzer and I will host an Ask Me Anything on social media! So will you help me get out of this noisy jungle so you can hear my answers? 

We’ve had a huge couple of years for press, getting published in The Atlantic, Time and Vox, to name a few. Just last week, #MEAction was featured in All Things Considered on NPR. Last spring we hosted a press conference featuring researchers and patients to educate journalists about the surge of people developing ME following COVID-19. We have also responded to every. single. journalist reporting on long COVID to make the connection with ME clear, and correct incorrect assumptions. It may seem like swinging through these trees is easy, but it’s a lot of dedicated work! 

Help me swing through these vines and keep my grip! Donate today!

I’d also like to do a special shout out to Timbre who has worked day-in and day-out with me  over the past year on making this press work happen, reading as many as 5 articles daily and emailing both journalists and physicians to educate them about ME. 

Thanks to everyone who has given! And to those who can’t, I understand. As a person with ME myself and as a staff that primarily has ME, we would never push you to give when you can’t. You are still on this journey with us and we thank you for hanging with us. 

With power and love,

PS: Join #MEAction Staff on Facebook Live on Tuesday, November 30th at 12pm PST/3pm EST/8pm London. Here is how to turn on notifications, so you will be notified when we go live!


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Severe ME Artists Project 2024

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