APPG on ME – Next meeting scheduled

The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on ME will be resuming work on their report at a virtual meeting on Tuesday 16th June. This meeting will cover issues relating to children and adolescents with ME – including diagnosis, medical management, education and inappropriate social services interventions.

There will be three presentations from:

  • Dr Nigel Speight – Consultant Paediatrician and Medical Adviser to The ME Association and TYMES Trust
  • Tony Crouch – Paediatric social worker and social work adviser to TYMES Trust, 25% ME Group, Hope 4 ME and Fibro NI. 
  • A parent of a child with ME

The presentations will be followed by discussion and questions from MPs.

This meeting follows the AGM which took place in January and the first meeting (focused on biomedical research), which was held in March.

Encourage your MP to attend

Please do encourage your MP to attend this meeting, especially if you haven’t been in touch with them about the APPG. You can find an email template here. We suggest you refer all MPs to Carol Monaghan’s office for more information:


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