Resources for parents with ME during COVID-19

Parents with ME have had to learn to be creative and flexible in their parenting.This will be key in responding to parenting during a pandemic. We have taught our children to wash their hands in hopes of avoiding seasonal illness. We have managed school holidays and cancelled plans. We can teach a master class in social isolation. However, we all will face some new challenges as well. The childcare services we employ might not be available. Our own personal caregivers might be unable to visit our homes. Many of us will be adding teacher to our role as parent as we switch to learning at home. 

In order to support the parents in our community, we have started the collection of resources below and we will continue to update it with ideas from the community.

Resources useful to parents with ME

  1. Pregnancy and Parenting with M.E. Facebook group.
  2. How to Entertain Your Child While Lying Down
  3. Hey, Exhausted Parents: Here Are Hacks for Playing with Your Kids When You’re Too Tired to Move

Resources available specifically during COVID-19:

  1. Education Companies Offering Free Subscriptions due to School Closings from Amazing Educational Resources
  2. Managing Coronavirus Anxiety – our kids and our own
  3. Day-by-day projects to keep kids reading, thinking, and growing.
  4. These 12 Famous Museums Offer Virtual Tours You Can Take on Your Couch

1 thought on “Resources for parents with ME during COVID-19”

  1. Hi! Thank you for sharing this! These are great and really helpful especially with the world’s current state right now. You might want to add, they have a community that helps out parents and educators, even students on top of the list of resources they are offering! I just thought that maybe you’d like to add it to your list of resources. Anyway, stay safe and healthy!

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