Covid-19 #MillionsMissing Update

The situation of COVID-19 is rapidly changing. We wanted to be optimistic that this situation would improve for the better, but even in the last 48 hours the situation has dramatically shifted. The WHO is officially classifying the virus a pandemic. COVID-19 is now affecting more than 127,000 people worldwide. 

We can’t in good conscience, continue with in-person #MillionsMissing events. We care about the health of you and every person that would have come to these events. We are still doing #MillionsMissing on May 12th. It will all be virtual. Our community has always had a strong, powerful, and supportive virtual presence. This event will be no different. 

We believe we can use this moment to build our virtual movement and community and come together in solidarity with all of the #MillionsMissing around the world. 

We have decided not to reschedule later in the year, because dates in the future are also uncertain, but this virtual event will be strong, supportive, and a time for our community to come together. A chance to be joyful and resilient in a time of uncertainty. 

We will be creating a form to share your ideas and brainstorm with us for our virtual #MillionsMissing as well as a link to RSVP and get updates. 

Moving forward, responding to Covid-19 coronavirus will remain a top priority for all staff and volunteers efforts until the situation is brought under control. #MEAction will continue to rapidly identify the tools, teams and resources we can bring together to support our community through this situation. Tomorrow, we will be sharing more information and a webpage dedicated towards Covid-19. 

In spite of all the challenges before us, once again, we believe the #MEAction community can use this moment to build our virtual movement and community and come together in solidarity with all of the #MillionsMissing around the world.

In solidarity,

Jen, Laurie, Ben, Erin, Jaime, Espe, Holly, Adriane and Hannah


Latest News

red rectangle image with white triangles in the and red blocks in the corners. the #MEAction logo is at the top with the words Town Hall Summary -Tuesday, Feb 26th

Town Hall Summary

Tuesday’s Town Hall was powerful. It was wonderful to have such thoughtful speakers gather to consider the policies that will affect the disability and chronic illness communities the most. This is the time to join together and make a difference. #MEAction will be with you every step of the way!  We’d love for you to

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rectangle image with red background and two large white circles. One circle has the #MEAction logo and the words, #MEAction's medical flashcards featured by CDC. Second white circle has a blue megaphone. there two smaller blue circles in the image.

#MEAction’s Medical Flashcards Featured by CDC!

#MEAction is excited to announce that the Anki Flashcards we created about ME/CFS and infection-associated diseases have been recommended by CDC on its new ME/CFS page for medical students! Anki flashcards are a digital learning tool used by medical students to retain medical knowledge.   The deck was created for our #TeachMETreatME campaign with #MEAction Georgia

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