Netflix Docuseries "Afflicted" is Terrible

Read a response from some of the subjects of Afflicted: “The Truth Behind Netflix’s ‘Afflicted.'”
We anxiously awaited the release of Netflix’s docuseries, “Afflicted,” on Aug. 10 and are appalled by the dismissive, psychosomatic lens through which the patients are ultimately portrayed.
The casting director had said that the “intention is to look at these experiences through a compassionate lens and give voice to those struggling for answers and acceptance.” We had hoped to see this reflected in the finished product. We are disappointed and outraged at the lens with which these illnesses were viewed.
First and foremost, we want to share our unwavering support and appreciation for Jamison Hill. It took enormous courage and self-sacrifice for him and all the other chronically ill subjects of the documentary to share their stories with us.

Secondly, we urge each of you to put your health first. Viewing the episodes might not be in your best interest depending on your situation.
As for how to respond, we have no one answer. As always, the strength of our community lies in its diversity. #MEAction exists to help strengthen your voices and help facilitate your ideas.
We have collected some ideas seen in the community and added some options we feel might be helpful.
1. Instead of sharing Afflicted, share the voice of people with ME and/or other illnesses portrayed in #Afflicted.
– Share Jamison’s own words in this New York Times article.…/modern-love-means-never-having-to…
– Recommend viewing Unrest which can be seen on Netflix as well as many other streaming platforms.
– Read Julie Rehmeyer’s book
– Watch Forgotten Plague…/…/B01AT28FS2
– Share any other medium that has moved you that features the person’s own voice
2. Make your opinion clear on IMDB and other review formats.
3. Write to Netflix
4. Use caution when sharing Afflicted which might inadvertently lead to increased views.
We will continue to explore all options and update you as soon as possible. #pwME #MyalgicE #chronicillness
Below is the interview that #MEAction conducted with Jamison prior to the release of “Afflicted.” Jamison is the author of the popular blog dealing with issues around ME, Jamison Writes.
What is the series about?
I believe it’s about people living with chronic illnesses like ME and Lyme, which are mysterious to a lot of people, especially those of us afflicted by them.
How did the producers find you / decide to include your story?
I think a friend in the M.E. community recommended that the casting producers check out my blog. That’s how they contacted me. Then I had to do two rounds of interviews via Skype. I was feeling much better then but the interviews were each over an hour and I remember thinking that if they asked for more I was going to throw in the towel. Luckily they liked my story and moved on to interview my family.
What was the filming process like?
It was pretty intense. Last summer the film crew came to my house three separate times. They also filmed my sister attending last year’s Stanford ME symposium. Otherwise I basically just went about my normal, albeit chaotic life, and the film crew tried to be invisible. Though that was pretty much impossible. At one point I found myself trying to eat with a camera literally on my chest. Another time I was bathing and one of the cameramen was right there filming beside me. Of course I consented to these things because I wanted my story to be told as accurately as possible, even if it meant sacrificing my privacy. Plus, having been filmed for Forgotten Plague, and other film projects, I wasn’t fazed by most of it.
What does the film mean for the community? What is its significance?
I think that remains to be seen. It could be huge — more awareness and research funding for ME. That’s my hope and ultimately why I agreed to do the project. But we’ll see, at the very least it’s going to get some people talking about illnesses that they know little or nothing about. I’m just not sure how many people or in what light.
Anything else you’d like to share?
I just want to make it clear that I was not paid to appear in the film, nor was my family. I think the film crew bought us lunch a couple times but otherwise we decided to give our time and energy to the project for free. I’m really grateful that my family was willing to do that because it wasn’t easy on them.

35 thoughts on “Netflix Docuseries "Afflicted" is Terrible”

  1. Given the changed context after the release of ‘Afflicted’, Cindy has asked that this comment be shifted or removed. Thanks! — Ed.

    1. Please tell Jamison to contact Dr. John Chia in Torrance. Ca. He is the BEST in the Country for ME\CFS. He has been treating me for 14 years and I have been in remission of about 80% for the last 4 years. I’m living as normal a life as possible. His number is 310 784 5880

      1. Malinda Hutchins

        Hi! I found a solution too!!! Message me if you feel it’s something calling you. 💗 714-457-5222

  2. I think they could learn a lot about CFS/FM and autoimmune conditions by reading my book, “Canaries In The Coal Mine” by Elaine Marie Graham on amazon!

  3. Thank you and your family for donating your time and little reserves of energy to this it must have been exhausting. It brings a lot of hope with it that people might at least watch it on Netflix and get an idea of our frustration and daily battles and micro aggressions we encounter day after day and keep going! Thank you!

  4. I am alone myself because I don’t relate to anyone since my 15 month tour in Baghdad as a medic. When I came back home and started sharing my stories I noticed none of my childhood friends wanted to hang out anymore. They just couldn’t relate. So now I’m out to hang out with those that don’t relate.

  5. I watched the series and it was difficult because the subjects were ridiculously self-absorbed and crazy. They need to get out of their heads, eat a sandwich, stop getting shitty tattoos, get a job, and do something for other people. FFS! The utter waste of time and resources by those people is breathtaking!

  6. The politics of representation in this series is terrible. Like most Netflix feature productions it presents the subject as entertainment for the uninitiated voyeur. The way that participant’s narratives are edited and framed means illnesses like ME/CFS will continue not to be taken seriously. As troubling, some of the subjects come off as self-indulgent and opportunistic.
    Does ME Action really want to endorse and/or advertise this series w/o disclaimer?
    This series pales in comparison to the many documentaries that are presented from the perspective of those who live with chronic illness. Someone needs to do a critical analysis of this series and contrast it with these other films.
    ME activists should realize that just because someone approaches them with the promise of presenting a compassionate and sympathetic version of their story, unless the filmmaker is intimately involved in the social worlds that they document that is not likely to happen.

    1. I’m leaving my original comment, but note that it was written before ME Action took a stance against this series…
      I want to add that do not believe this series should be boycotted or censored. If people who are misrepresented want to change the dominant narrative, we need to tell a different story. If you change the story, you change the world. This is why many maligned groups emphasize controlling the means of representation, something that UREST and other documentaries exemplify. Even then, within groups stories are multiple, not singular; we have many stories yet to be told.
      Final note: Nay-sayer trolls really have to go out of their way to find the ME Action comments section to leave their harsh “advice.” As a person with ME for 35 years, who struggles to continue every single day, seeing so many humans treat other humans this way is completely disheartening.

      1. Everybody on this show, IS ABSOLUTELY NUTS, falling for quack “doctors” and voodoo medicine. Bunch of mentally ill people diagnosing themselves and having their delusions entertained by quacks who take advantage of them, and take their money, laughing. You… are no different. Depression, anxiety, hypochondriac……we need to stop feeding peoples delusions

  7. I have been dealing with and have sought treatment for chronic fatigue for the last decade, though I have never officially been diagnosed with CFS/ME. I’m not entirely certain that I do have actual CFS/ME, though I do have many of the symptoms, although not to the degree that many sufferers do.
    I watched the Netflix program with some idea of what the ill people feel: the dismissal of their own reports about the state of their own health, the suspicion that it is psychosomatic or perhaps even deliberate manipulativeness. So I was profoundly disappointed to see that the producers chose to portray each victim in such a prejudiced way. At first, it showed promise. By the final episode, it became obvious that they did not believe that any of these people had a real illness, other than perhaps mental illness.
    Had I been on that program, I’m sure that they would have portrayed me as such. I do have a history of depression which is why, after running initial blood tests that come back “normal”, doctors assume that depression is the cause of my symptoms and prescribe me antidepressants and think they’ve “solved” my problem. It doesn’t matter that I tell them that it doesn’t feel like depression (unless I think too much about how my normal life has slipped away due to the fatigue and brain fog), it counts for nothing. Unlike those in the documentary, I have never refused the antidepressants and have tried many of them and even combinations of them to no avail. The last one I was prescribed for my chronic fatigue had a common side effect of fatigue! Unless you’ve gone down the route of antidepressants or known others who have, you might not understand why someone refuses to accept that is the answer. The documentary makes it seem like they just refuse treatment which might help them.
    There was ZERO compassion for the subjects in this “documentary”. It honestly seems that the entire purpose of the movie was to cast alternate health providers as a bunch of quacks and chronically ill people who can’t be healed by modern medicine as a bunch of crazies who don’t actually want to get better — they just want attention. I feel bad for the ill persons who thought that participating in this movie would help bring attention to their rare conditions and maybe get doctors to care about those who have it.
    And if I hear that phrase “when you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras” one more time, I might literally scream. Duh. Of course doctors should rule out the most likely ailments first. The problem is that when they rule out horses, they don’t bother checking to see if there are zebras. They assume you are crazy and hearing things and prescribe you antidepressants. If they would just look for the darn zebras, maybe we’d have a chance at getting better.

    1. Wow, I could have wrote your comment. I have had CFS for 23 years. Then I got autoimmune thyroid. ME fits more in the later half of my CFS experience. I too have taken several antidepressants, talk about making things worse. The most depressing thing in my life is the limitations my CFS causes. I’m a happy go lucky ambitious person who had lots of ideas, goals and dreams, the docs don’t get that. I too don’t have it to the degree that I see on the documentary unrest. But I have an extremely limited life. I am concerned it could progress and get worse as it has over the years. I’ve been on a year to two year study and have learned some things. Vitamin C at high doses is helping me in the last month. Eating as clean as possible eliminates or decreases symptoms. I’m not going to give up and I hope no one else does including you. I believe the immune system is definetly involved as does the standford ME clinic. I wonder if any of it is a result of emotional exhaustion from chronic stress or one major stressful event. It’s kind of like having a small emotional breakdown. Not so big that you’re hospitalized in a mental ward, but enough that it causes the body to go haywire. From what I’ve learned that can come from adrenal fatigue but most doctors don’t believe in anything but Cushing disease or Addison’s when it comes to the adrenals. Then of course there’s Lyme, viruses etc. So many possibilities as to what the cause is and I think it’s different for each one of us. Ok enough said. E. Use me for ranting on and on.

  8. I think regardless of the portrayal, these people and their stories shine through and gets to the viewers heart. I believe the show may prove to have been a great idea as Netflix brings a massive audience and you never know how one random viewer may have a connection or knowledge to help these people. Even above there is a comment mentioning an amazing ME doctor. I think it’s easy to see where it’s Netflix casting doubt and see through that and feel for these people. It’s worth getting their story out to a large audience as these shows often bring momentum as the viewers want to help. All their stories touched me but Jamison’s did especially. I hope he finds the help he needs.

  9. First, I just wanted to thank ME ACTION and those who write such informative articles. You help so many of us and help protect us from receiving anymore harm.
    After 11 years of having my Mecfs dismissed as another exhausted and hysterical woman, I’ve learned to avoid those who disbelieve and put my health first. So I will not be watching this Netflix series and hope others will consider not watching it also.
    Secondly, I want to thank Jamison for giving his energy and sacrificing his health to share his story in the hopes of helping to educate the public of our disease. I look forward to reading the articles or interviews he shares.

  10. Jamison commented: “They also filmed my sister attending last year’s Stanford ME symposium.”
    I also attended that symposium, and it was the single most hopeful experience of my two decades with ME/CFS. Did the film makers choose to interview any of the true experts presenting there? Apparently not. I recall that there was a TV crew there, and all I saw them do was follow Jamison’s sister around. They seemed to pay little attention what was being presented. Even in the snippet they showed of her at the conference, the shot they used made it look like there weren’t many people there. To the contrary, there was a full house of engaged patients, caregivers, clinicians and eminent researchers.
    It is a terrible series, and Netflix should pull it. I binge watched it on Sunday, and as others have mentioned, while waiting for something worth watching I gradually realized that it would not be forthcoming.
    This seemed to be an agenda-driven documentary; I don’t know whose agenda or even what the agenda is. But it was really clear what that agenda was not. There are many ways to lie, and this was a sophisticated and apparently calculated big lie.

  11. There are striking similarities between all the sick “patients” in Afflicted: none of them seem to pay (or even to contribute in any way) to their medical bills while racking up recklessly ruinous bills, most of which are for alternative non-evidence based “treatments” . Let me tell you, if you are paying your own bills and your own accommodation, you will not allow yourself to lay down and die (stellar example of someone like this is Vicky Beeching who, despite her chronic fatigue and immune illness is an activist and author) and get to the root of the problem in a reasonable way and not waste your family’s and medical professional time with complaints that are over the top (like going to the ER because you have stomach ache and nausea, or because you think you have an embolism while someone with a real emergency should be saved) and you definitely will not spend thousands of dollars on unproven “treatments” like hypobaric oxygen. I’m not saying that all individuals who have chronic illness do not legitimately suffer, or that there may not be a yet unexplained but valid medical cause, but it does not appear that these individuals fall in that category and actually rather cause harm to the cause since they seem completely wrapped up in the identity of learned helplessness/victim mentality. When doctors suggest alleviating some of their depression or anxiety with pharmaceuticals, they do now want to accept this treatment either, far rather preferring to suffer as martyrs while their family members, spouses and lovers are enablers who are wrapped up in the toxic self-absorption of the “patient”. The cause is psychopathological and is a twisted means of seeking control over their out of control minds by way of their highly regimented and ritualistic health routines, which may involve controlling their nutrition, supplement and other people very rigidly. It’s a real pity because I do agree that there are chronic illnesses that may still be poorly understood but that does cause real suffering. I’m just not sure these patients fit the bill.

    1. And this above comment is exactly why the community is disappointed with the manipulative editing and the way these beautiful souls were portrayed. Healthy people like the gal above do not have the capacity to understand and draw their own conclusions that are so far from the truth its almost funny. Except it isn’t. Its heart wrenching. And yet this lovely Ingrid doesn’t know any better based on her lack of exposure which is understandable. It clearly makes the point that this series failed what the patients hoped was going to result in progress. Thank you Ingrid for solidifying the failure of this docuseries.
      I pray for your health so you never know what this is like.

    2. I find it funny that a good portion of them (from what was shared with us) experienced a traumatic event just before they fell “ill”. Coincidence? I think not.

      1. And many of them had psychiatric issues prior to the current illness. Why weren’t these being addressed?
        I find many of the above comments very disrespectful to the mental health community. Whether it’s in “their head” or a physical illness, why does it matter? Sick is sick. The last episode did a nice job hitting this message home.
        Also, there is no shame in exhausting every available treatment option, even if it appears to be quackery.

    3. Ingrid, it is sad that you feel that way and that you did not watch the entire season. It shows that some of the people do pay their medical bills and it will also show that Bekah turned down treatment that she felt was not right for her. Living with a chronic illness, that can also be called an invisible illness, is agonizing in itself. It knocks you off of your feet and will keep you on the ground until you fight back, and we do fight back. I have 13 conditions in my spine and Fibromyalgia, as well as a lot of side-conditions that go with Fibromyalgia (TMJ, Eczema, Migraines, Insomnia, Sensory Gating, etc …). I have been told by Doctors that they see that I am in pain, but they do not understand why I feel so much pain and that they cannot help me. I even had Doctors who have refused to see me. And there are no medications that I have taken that has given me any lasting relief (longer than one hour). Hence, I am left managing my life, the amount of activities that I do in a day, and the amount of stress that I let in. It’s a daily battle that I fight and I am sure that many in similar shoes do feel the same way. I have seen many Doctors from PCM’s, Orthopedics, Neurology, Pain Management, Physical Therapist, Acupuncturist, Chiropractors, and others. Rheumatologists refuse to see me. And all of the Doctors that I have seen reside within the Army, Tricare, and Civilian communities. So what would you suggest that I do when I have been told by multiple Doctors that I have a normal spine when I have 3 bulged discs at L1, L4, & L5 (two of the bulged disk do touch the nerve roots), Facet Hypertrophy, Spinal Stenosis, bone spurs in 2 discs (L1 & L2), Scoliosis in my Thoracic Spine, straightening of my Cervical Spine, as well as other conditions? I also have been diagnosed with depression and Doctors are arguing over whether or not I have PTSD. Depression is an easy diagnoses because I use to be very active and run a 7 minute per mile pace, but now I walk at a 38 minute per mile pace. And I am 45, I should be enjoying an active life! My point is that Doctors do not know everything and some of them are unwilling to help. This leaves people who do have a Chronic Illness left out in the cold and searching for some relief because all we want is to be healthy again and feel like we are a part of the community, instead of feeling alone and isolated. But the sad thing is that people look at us and believe that we are healthy, when in fact we are suffering from an invisible illness. Some of those people believe that we are making our illness up and that it is all in our mind. That is far from the truth. That is the last thing that we need, when all we need is other people’s understanding and support. What this show has done is bring light to chronic illnesses and brings hope to those of us who do suffer by showing us that we are not alone in this battle. Ingrid, I pray for nothing but a long and healthy life for you because I do not want anybody else to suffer, daily, like I and others with Chronic Illnesses do.

  12. This show pissed me off. I see no push in any of them to overcome their “illness”. If any of this people were actually sick, it was lost on the hypochondriac craziness of the others.

  13. I really enjoyed the show. As a person who does not have any of these issues, sure, the thoughts run through your mind that maybe some of these patients are having psychological issues, but it also raises the question that maybe they aren’t. I appreciated how the show tried to weigh both sides of the question.
    Even if some of the patients are experiencing physical manifestations of a psychological problem, why is that a bad thing? It is just as plausible a theory as the alternative. I can speak from personal experience that I have suffered physical symptoms due to depression and anxiety, everything from colonic spasms, to headaches, to back spasms, fatigue. Thankfully I have improved, thanks to counseling, medication, and my faith in God. Of course I’m not 100%.
    That being said, there definately needs to be more research out there to get some answers. The reason that people resort to using holistic therapy is because western doctors rely on data and facts. Until there is research geared toward understanding this then doctors will always be in the dark.

  14. I hate to be the bad guy here…but. I am a chronicly ill person living with if not all, at least half of these physical issues.
    I had a traumatic event happen in my life 2- years before I’ve become the shell of a person
    that I have always been.
    I believe a traumatic event sent these peoole into an initial accute severe depreession state accompanied by anxiety tgat tgen turned into chronic severe depression that must be treated with the correct prescribed by areal phyciatrist not some Eastern Medicine guru. You all need to STOP. It is not easy.. in fact its the hardest thing you eill ever do. I know brcause that is what happenned to me once I got off the hampster wheel of doctors/diagnosis/treatments/nothing works/Google symptoms/ wish I could get back to being myself.
    Cases in point: Jameson worked his ass off to be a music guy, or what ever, it doesn’t matter it was when the reality sunk in that he would have to face being an adult, following through on his commitments that reality hit him smack in the face. A tramatic incident.
    When the spainish girl (actor) finally hit it big after working her entire life BAM!!
    Too much change/anxiety..
    When the gay girl moved in within 2- weeks of meeting her new girlfriend online, BAM,
    oh man… what if she doesn’t love me? 2- weeks after meeting, seriously? Major
    They all became cronic after suffering a major life changing event. A major one.
    They need Xanax and deal with it like everyone eles. And stop with all of those supplements!
    Be HONEST with yourselves insteaf of believing your own BS. Believe me, if any
    of them were as sick as they claim they’d be being treated by real doctors with
    real diagnosis. Blood doesnt lie! $25K for stem cell infusions?! $300.00 for
    1- hyperbolic chamber session.. Jesus H Christ spend one week with me, for free and I guarantee you’ll be just fine. Rediculius.. all of them.
    Beth, a cutter since age 9? Been in psychiatric institution but has refused meds for depression.
    Granted, her parents look creepy as fuck, but her brother is super sweet. Just take the damn depression meds girl ain’t nothing wrong with that! Give them a couple months if they dint work by then stop. You’re willing to do a $25K stem cell treatment (which is just bullshit btw) but you wont try an antidepressant? What? Afraid it may work?

    1. the girl was not “Spanish”-I believe she was from Columbia. gay girl? really? who are you to judge and know all about everyone You sound like you need help. take a Danes like everyone else. As someone who became dependent on a Benzo for sleep and still need it because my neurologist cant take me off of it as it would now be too difficult-…taking a Benzo is not like taking candy. she also was not willing to do the 25k stem cell treatment. As someone who has dealt with ME, and in the past MCS and mold injury and has improved greatly thanks to my hard work I know that antidepressants don’t cure it. if someone needs an antidepressant then that would help them with depression but an antidepressant won’t cure ME or mold injury etc. You also have very poor spelling skills. Perhaps too much xanex today? had no idea Danes also could make someone into a know it all. go figure.

  15. I have endured Chronic Fatique for over 27 years. My intial research also lead me to know that my condition is a result of having had mono. The onset of mono can induce C.F. suffice to say, I am a retired 67 year old woman who chose to whether the severe symtoms and work around them. I rarely allowed myself a pity party to spend a day in bed, though at times the layers of fatique and pain got so intense it was a struggle to get up. I do not think the person Netflix chose with Chronic F demonstrates the majority of people like myself, who with determination and a willingness to live life can participate in both a working environment and other normal activities. I have friends and family members who are polio survivors, cancer survivors and other malidies. They walk, drive, work, use scooters to get around and( Yes) get thru each day. I also know a MS patient who attends a group gathering weekly and though she does not stand or have the lower extremity use she does for herself. My opinion of the guy in Netflix program is very poor. He is laying in a bed allowing himself to atrophy. Yes, the condition is very ReaL, Yes the fatique is painful, Yes the side effects can bring on other symptoms and yes diagnosis is tricky. My first round with it docs thought it was MS. I wish that this man who is still young. should try to help himself. I did not see that side shown. So with so many people in our world with having medical chronically conditions. This guy should consider himself fortunate that he can overcome this if he wasn’t obviously so deliberately helpless. Yes, I have a very strong opinion of him. In the next special from Netflix or other networks I hope they will show how determination and willful strides to overcome conditions are possible. Thanks for listening.

  16. its too bad that Netflix used some of these people. I am someone who has dealt with CFS since I got mono in college- it led to neurological issues (That are proved by testing) affecting swallowing and sleep. I also had very bad MCS which is much better. I do wish the therapist would stay clear of environmental doctors who instill fear- when I saw her go to Nagy it was awful to see the fear instilled as I myself wen though that in the 90s with Dr Rea. I found help in a wonderful dr chiropractor in nyc who cleared many viruses and heavy metals from me. I would also recommend the Gupta program which is not expensive and helps heal the amygdala. the girl whose husband was so supportive and she dumped him irked me. When I got sick my boyfriend did not understand and it led to a breakup. I would have been so grateful to have a man so caring and understanding. The woman with the electrical sensitivity running away to that place- you cant really run from it so better to treat the body and issues affecting you. I see some people here saying eat a sandwhich? not easy to do when you have a swallowing disorder from nerve damage- don’t get bad tattoos? I don’t have tattoos. What I can say as someone who dealt with what most people would not survive for 30 years is do not let the fear get to you- that therapist was in early stages and I could see her going down a road that would only lead to more fear leading to more illness. I would tell anyone who does have ME to not watch this film. it is not helpful and can only trigger trauma.

  17. I watched this show in full. These people to the one had mental issues. There is not such thing as Electromagnetic hypersensitivity or the other crap. This could easily be tested and in fact in the case of Carmen she did not know about the EMC of the wireless mike and it was not an issue. Mental problems are real that is a fact but these people do not have some environmental illness. I used to see the old quack medical instruments in antique stores and think that this was a crazy age when ignorant people would believe anything. Then I saw all the quacks rapping people of their money. Thousands of dollars for BS treatments. Like the mold renovation in the case of Jill. If you tested 1000 homes every one would test pos. for black mold. The spores are everywhere. Lead and other metals are in the enviroment naturally and its in elevated levels they become dangerous. I blame the eco nuts who go crazy about the end of the world to the point where mentally ill people are scared crapless.

  18. Malinda Hutchins

    I believe these people 100% and I also believe there is HOPE and there can be HEALING through WHOLE FOOD nutrition! 🍎🍓🍊🥕🍋🍌🍏🥝🥦🥒🍇🍆🍉🍑 I believe this because my health has improved drastically since I have changed my diet and life style! I also utilize homeopathic remedies! If anyone who is sick wants to hear about my journey and solution, email me. Xoxo
    [email protected]

  19. As a medical provider open to alternative therapies and possibilities besides what’s already known, but even with the bias there are some things you can’t change that don’t add up. How is Carmen so affected by fluorescent lights in a store, yet able to drive several hours in a vehicle? How is she willing to wear a wireless microphone and not freak out about it? Then how are people supposed to want to talk with you about your issue when the West Virginia lady aggressively throws around accusations and gives unsolicited advice telling the camera crew what they should and shouldn’t do.
    How does all of Star’s issues turn into such a focus on her dystonia, which is a common neurological issue without much treatment? As for the provider examining her reflexes while she’s lying down using his fingers–that’s not an appropriate way to perform a neurological exam. And you either have clonus or you don’t; there’s no grading of severity. Without actually palpating her liver as he examined her rib cage over the liver and not the liver itself, he declares her liver to be “too firm.” What??
    Bekah in episode 3 or so spends hours in the ER and able to walk out after not wearing her gas mask the entire time. She claims she has CVID. If that’s true, that has a treatment so why is she just hiding out in a desert stealing other people’s lives from them? Then she goes to a motel room, has a bath, and eats lettuce off of the couch. She calmly exclaims that she’s having a panic attack while eating her salad. That’s not a panic attack, though perhaps she was having some anxiety.
    For Jake, he hasn’t seemed to have tried anything. He looks like a lazy boy who is just completely depressed. He’s living in a room surrounded by electronics that certainly don’t help any of his symptoms. His entire DVT nonsense is truly the result of a Google search as he admits. He’s not truly sedentary when he’s moving from his chair to his bed. Why isn’t he doing exercises anyway if he actually wants to get better? Yeah, depressed mood comes with chronic disease. I’ve experienced this personally and in taking care of my patients. But come on. Blood clots are rarely fatal. If he felt a bulge anyway, it was unlikely a DVT. I think it’s awesome that the Urgent Care provider addressed the mental health component. The provider didn’t say it was in Jake’s head. It sounded like he appropriately evaluated him and didn’t feel it was a DVT.
    For Pilar, she can only wear organic cotton since regular cotton and other fibers can’t be cleaned enough? She pumps gas without having any real mask on? How many chemicals are in “all of my supplements” yet she can only eat cauliflower and turkey? If she’s running out of money, there are plenty of work-from-home jobs she could be focusing on instead. She sounds like she was burnt out and needed a break from her now super stressful life. Then I get to watch her mom or someone give her an injection completely inappropriately.
    So the common default diagnosis of all these patients is Lyme. This is a good differential diagnosis but I find it hard to believe all of these people have untreatable Lyme that keeps them isolated from the world without any of them even busting out a bubble suit. The other common factor in all of these situations are enablers. They care, they tolerate, but they enable. Enabling is easier than arguing. These people need distractions if nothing else so they can have a better quality of life.
    I believe they all seriously are experiencing the symptoms they’re having. I can’t believe these people’s biggest supporters were forced to say the things they’ve said. The mental health component isn’t negligible. I think the docuseries didn’t skew a perspective as much as people claim. Did it present chronic illness accurately? Fairly well–lots of emotions, lots of depressed feelings, lots of struggles to get taken seriously. If they’re really having as severe of symptoms as their quality of life warrants, I’d see more bubble suits. I have to stop watching these complainers after episode 4 so that’s all my commentary is reflecting.

    1. It’s fascinating how successfully the audience was manipulated. Check out their stories on the Medium, but I beg of you, don’t leave comments like these. The participants have been through enough without yet another stranger holding them up to judgment.

  20. How can i contat Bekah and other people in this documentary? They need to know and try the Win Hof method ! Eat real food, and breath and cold exposure exercises. There is nothing better to strengh the imune system.

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black square image with two white lines at the top and bottom of the image. Then another two white lines come out from the sides to the middle over the #MEAction logo and the words, #NotJustFatigue Video Series Elizabeth Ansell Interview.

#NotJustFatigue Video Series: Interview with Creator Elizabeth Ansell

Over the past year, the #NotJustFatigue website, created by Elizabeth Ansell, releases a 10-part, documentary style, short form video series on different aspects involved in living with ME. Titles of the videos include topics such as: You Have No Idea How Serious This Is, Nobody Believes ME, and It’s Not Hysteria: It’s Sexism. In these

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navy blue square. there are two white lines at the top and bottom of the square. The #MEAction logo in at the top of the image. The words #MEAction Georgia Voice of the Patient in coordination with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention & Emory School of Nursing.

#MEAction Georgia: Voice of the Patient in Coordination with CDC & Emory School on Nursing

Back in September, #MEAction Georgia State Chapter partnered with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Emory School of Nursing to host, Voice of the Patient: A Panel Discussion with #MEAction Georgia. This event was a continuation of #MEAction Georgia’s #MillionsMissing 2024: #TeachMETreatME programming. Erin Lee and Liz Burlingame of the #MEAction Georgia

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a light blue square image with medical instruments/tools as a border (pill bottles, scales, needles, covid protein spike, etc). At the top of the image is the Home Test to Treat Program logo, in blue font: Findings Summary. Below that the #MEAction logo and Body Politic Logo.

Home Test To Treat – Findings Summary

#MEAction and Body Politic collaborated last spring, with a new national telehealth program, Home Test to Treat. We are now able to share initial findings from the program! Here are some highlights: 80K + enrolled in the program across the country! 40K + test distributed 6K + individuals treated for COVID-19 or flu 5.6K+ organizations

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