Help Cure My Husband Please

I have had M.E. for years now, unable to work. My 19 year old daughter is unemployed, pregnant and living at home looking for a job. My husband was just put in the hospital for 2 days and told he needed his colon removed, an ileostomy, and a second surgery in 4 to 6 months to create a J-pouch. All this is from the most severe level of ulcerative colitis, believed to be caused from the chemo he received for the first of his three cancers. This isn’t just treatment; the doctor assured us it’s a CURE.
He’s survived so much, and this surgery will be a cure for the constant pain, cramps and digestive issues. He’s 30 pounds underweight at least, anemic, and without him working, we’d be homeless, so he’s postponing this surgery until he’s sure we can pay the rent and bills, never mind the medical cost from being uninsured. We have found some help for medical bills through the hospital’s charity, but it’s still going to cost us a good amount of money. But who wouldn’t want to be cured no matter the cost?
We don’t have long to get this done, because it’s at a desperate situation. His colon cannot take another flare. He’s already bleeding internally, and still going to work every day. If you can help, we have a  for donations, or just share the link on social media please.
Bless you all, and my today bring you less pain and more love.
Amy & Nathan Meeves
[button_color url=”” content=”Donate to Amy and Nathan” target=””]  


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Town Hall Summary

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#MEAction’s Medical Flashcards Featured by CDC!

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