ME in Poland: Help me raise awareness & funding all across the EU

Hi, I’m Mike Harley from the UK, and for the last 18 months I’ve been raising awareness and funds for the biomedical research charity Invest In ME. One of my best friends has had ME for over 10 years and over the last 2 years I’ve met a number of other patients who are now very good friends that I’m determined to help.
I’m attempting to run a marathon in all 28 EU member states to highlight the need in each country for funded research. I’m talking to ME patients, charities, support groups, doctors and the media in each country I visit with the aim of encouraging them to share knowledge/resources to help us find a cure quicker.
I’ve completed races in six locations so far, including the UK, Ireland, the Czech Rep, Finland, Greece and Sweden. I’m off to Poland on August 15 to run the Solidarnosci Marathon in Gdansk.
Poland has an estimated 150,000 ME patients.  Recently, I talked to Mira near Warsaw about what it’s like to have ME in Poland.
I’ve since located a few others and we have set up Poland’s first ME support group on Facebook.  If you speak Polish or perhaps have carers that you would like to educate who are Polish then feel free to join the group.
If you would like to sponsor my challenge then please visit my page, Mike’s EU Marathons. Click on the link below to visit the page or make a donation to support Invest in ME!
[button_color url=”” content=”Donate today” target=””]  
If you’d like to follow my challenge, I can be found on my homepage, my Facebook page, and my Twitter!
Thanks for your support!


1 thought on “ME in Poland: Help me raise awareness & funding all across the EU”

  1. I think what your doing is fantastic. My brother has suffered from severe ME and he has not left the house in years and years and it so inspiring what you are doing to help people. keep it up:)

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