‎Enter the #MillionsMissing‬ Poetry Contest 2016

#‎MEAction is seeking poems to honor those around the world struggling with M.E. This call to poets is designed to complement other awareness projects taking place during May. Our goal is to proudly display the creative resources of our community and to celebrate the courage it takes to speak out.
We encourage poems of every genre. Poets are also welcome to add a few lines describing their poem’s relation to the theme of #MillionsMissing. The final selections will be announced the last day of May and published on #MEAction. The three winning poems will receive the honors of First, Second, and Third Places. Additionally, we will publish seven under the heading of Honorable Mention. Each of the winners will also receive a yet-to-be-established gift from our new Zazzle store.
This year’s theme: #MillionsMissing
Eligibility: This juried competition is open to anyone with a connection to M.E.
Submission guidelines:

  • Poems should relate to the theme #MillionsMissing.
  • Each entrant may submit no more than three poems.
  • The poems must be submitted in English.
  • The poems should be no longer than one page, and must use an eye-friendly font in 10 or 12 point.
  • Submissions must be in electronic format in an attached Word or pdf document rather than typed into the body of the email.
  • Include in the body of your email: your name, address, phone number, and your email address.
  • You will be sent a confirmation acknowledging receipt of your submission.
  • Email submissions should be sent to elaineboel@gmail.com.


  • A panel of three judges will select up to ten poems to be published.
  • Submissions will be read and judged blind (no names or personal information visible).
  • A maximum of one poem will be selected per poet.
  • Due to limitations, not all entrants’ work will be selected.
  • Entries must be received no later than May 12, 2016, 5:00 pm EST.

We hope you will join us in showing your more creative side to help raise awareness about M.E.!
Submit a poem to elaineboel@gmail.com today!


19 thoughts on “‎Enter the #MillionsMissing‬ Poetry Contest 2016”

  1. Is this an absolute?
    “Eligibility: This juried competition is open to anyone with a connection to M.E.”

    1. Laura,
      If it is an absolute, it’s a very broad one. A ‘connection’ could be nearly anything: a friend or family member with ME, a research background in ME, suffering from a similar illnesses and therefore having a connection to people with ME…

  2. It is an absolute, but as Jaime said, it’s a broad one. We’d like to hear from people who are caregivers, family members, doctors, and friends of those suffering with M.E. This a huge spectrum of people.

  3. M. Elizabeth Stahel

    Thank you very much ! I never have considered poetry my strong suit, but an idea immediately came to mind.
    I wrote a short poem in a few minutes. Regardless of others’ responses to my writing, I found this unexpected writing challenge cathartic and energizing.
    I’m grateful for those wonderful feelings!

  4. Beth Elaine Boel

    Very happy that this contest sparked a creative feeling in you and I will be looking forward to receiving your entry.

    1. M Elizabeth Stahel

      Hi Elaine!
      Just getting this is under the wire.  I needed to properly format it.  I hope you enjoy my poem.  Technically, it’s simple but evocative, though not very uplifting.  It was cathartic to write because of that reason I suppose.
      I’ve included 2 attachments: the first is Times in 14 font – but it looked small to me the second is Times in 14 font increased to 125%

      Thank you for doing this; I’m excited to read all the entries!

  5. Hi. I’ve had ME for 10 years now and have found writing poetry a great way to express feelings etc that would otherwise not have a release. I know I’m too late for your competition, and the half dozen or so that I’ve written are a little more than your one page maximum.
    Not looking to have them entered for the competition, but would you be interested in seeing them ?

    1. M Elizabeth Stahel

      Hi Bill,

      This was sent to me accidentally, instead of Elaine. I thought you’d like to re-send it :))


  6. Bill, I have kept the competition open for a few people. I figure I can do it for you as well. Send them on to me via email and I’ll add them to the pile.

    1. #MEAction – A platform for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome activism | Elaine Boel commented on ‎Enter the #MillionsMissing‬ Poetry Contest 2016Hi Elaine,

      That’s very kind of you. I’ve attached three that may well connect with those of us with ME.

        1. #MEAction – A platform for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome activism | Elaine Boel replied to your comment on ‎Enter the #MillionsMissing‬ Poetry Contest 2016.Hi

          I’m a bit confused with the various links and addresses. Can you confirm that they’ve been received please ?

          1. Hi Bill,
            I’ve received your poems and they have been added to the Dropbox for the judges. Thank you for your submissions and good luck,!

    2. M Elizabeth Stahel

      Hello Elaine,

      I believe that you accidentally sent this to me, not Bill. I bet he’ll be glad to get the news!


    3. #MEAction – A platform for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome activism | Elaine Boel commented on ‎Enter the #MillionsMissing‬ Poetry Contest 2016

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