BBC journalist's blog on ME

I would like to share an incredible blog post written by John Darvall, the BBC radio journalist who interviewed me and my family recently. He writes:
“When I knocked on the door to interview Naomi I knew little about M E. other than its dodgy reputation and the questions about whether it was actually a real illness. When I left Naomi’s parents home where she lives, having spoken to her, her mother and brother for an hour I cried.”
He ends by saying:
“I will now do more to help others with this condition. M E is dreadful, debilitating illness that when it takes hold it never lets go. For Naomi, for all those living with chronic pain and M E, I will do more while I can.”
It’s wonderful to know that there are journalists out there who are prepared to listen to what we say, and then speak out on our behalf. There is real hope that attitudes can and will be changed.

For more about the interview:
Update: Marathon for ME BBC Interview with Tom and Naomi Whittingham


1 thought on “BBC journalist's blog on ME”

  1. My daughter Kara has severe M.E. We as a family are greatful for any publicity about this serious condition. Kara was 16 when our lives were turned upside down. It’s been a battle ever since. To be treated with disbelief from medical professionals until recently has been the hardest to take. Not until Kara nearly died from sepsis were we ever taken seriously. Lucky for us Kara pulled through but remains severe. It was neglect and we could have taken it further but Kara didn’t want to. Her only remaining fight is to remain alive for a long as possible and doesn’t have the energy for anything else. As her mother I feel I’ve been robbed and still has yet to come to terms with terrible illness that has taken a bright young ladies future away from her.

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