Add your voice to the #MillionsMissing Thunderclap!

The #MillionsMissing are using Thunderclap to amplify our message.  Between now and September 27, sign up here and promote your participation on social media.  If you have any social media account, including Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr, you can sign up and add your voice to that of other #MillionsMissing and allies.

How does a Thunderclap work?

The team decides carefully on a short, valuable message, then launches their campaign.  At one, particular moment — in our case, on September 27, the day of the #MillionsMissing protests — that message will go out through the social media channels of every individual who has signed up.  Those who remember last protest may recall how exciting it was to see that the #MillionsMissing tag trended.  A Thunderclap makes that quicker and easier, and is especially relevant to our patient population: you can sign up anytime between now and September 27th — whenever you have the resources — and you’re set.
This is a quick, easy way to be an activist!

Who can sign up for a Thunderclap?

Anyone who has a social media account on Tumblr, Facebook, or Twitter can do it, and you can sign up on multiple accounts.
#MEAction has worded the Thunderclap such that it is easy for healthy allies to understand who we are and why we’re fighting.  Please promote this widely and consider writing emails to family and friends asking them to sign up.  By clicking on the link to the Thunderclap, they will see what message will be sent from their account.

Why a Thunderclap?

Thunderclaps can be big news for advocacy.  If we are able to get at least 500 supporters, the Thunderclap will go out into the world, raising awareness around the protest, just when we need it most.
Ready to advocate right now?
[button_color url=”” content=”Yes, I want to Join the Thunderclap!” target=””]


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