Tag: Norway

#MillionsMissing Crafts Competition

#MillionsMissing Crafts Competition We want to have fun while we work for equal treatment for ME sufferers! Win prizes! Submit photos and pattern of a crochet – or knitting project with the #MillionMissing logo. ( Also with a picture of the finished product). We pick three winners receiving a prize and they will be the designers behind #Millionsmissingnorway ‘s official patterns.

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Global: RSVP for #MillionsMissing around the world!

Want to get involved, but aren’t sure how to proceed?  Here is a living document you can use to determine where protests are happening near you, how to register, and who to contact to learn about the #MillionsMissing protests happening around the world. Canada Elizabeth Sanchez and Scott Simpson : millionsmissingcanada@gmail.com Germany Daniel Hattesohl: danielbrh@posteo.de

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