NICE Called for Evidence: Read #MEAction UK’s Response

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) are re-writing their guidelines on ME. As part of this they issued a call for evidence relating to three topics. #MEAction UK has now submitted our full response, collecting studies, surveys and data from multiple sources. [maxbutton id=”23″ url=”http://www.meaction.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/MEAction-submission-to-the-NICE-ME-CFS-call-for-evidence-consultation.pdf” text=”Read the full submission” ]   #MEAction

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NICE Call for Evidence on ME guidelines

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have put out a call for evidence in relation to the ongoing update of their ME/CFS guidelines, due to be published in October 2020. This is an opportunity to ensure that all relevant information is held by the guideline development committee as they work to assess

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NICE drag their feet on stopping the harm caused by GET and CBT

As part of our ongoing advocacy work, #MEAction UK has been campaigning for the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) to update the current ME guidelines. Updated ME/CFS guidelines are due to be published in October 2020. However in the meantime, the existing guidelines published in August 2007 that recommend Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and

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Tell NICE your experience of CBT/GET. Take the survey now!

The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is rewriting the UK ME guidelines. As part of this process, the Forward-ME Group, of which #MEAction UK is a member, has prepared a questionnaire to provide additional evidence on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and graded exercise therapy (GET) to NICE. The new guideline is expected

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All I want for Christmas is #ScienceNotStigma

This Christmas, millions will be missing from parties and celebrations, because of the severity of ME. Yet the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE, the public body responsible for UK clinical guidelines) have just dismissed legitimate concerns of thousands of people with ME, and their friends, family and allies who emailed them. Staff

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Sept & Oct — Research Roundup

The end of September was a whirlwind! Between the CDC’s website work, the CDC’s awarding of a sole contract, the planning sessions for the NIH meeting, and the Stanford symposium, there wasn’t much time to devote to breaking down the science.  If you’d like to see a quick run-down of what’s been going on lately

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NICE Appoints Committee Rife with Bias – Take Action!

What’s been happening at NICE? The National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) is re-writing its guidelines on ME/CFS. Health professionals in the UK base their care of people with ME on these guidelines, and they are influential globally. Since their inception, patients and their families have found the current guidelines detrimental to care. Last week,

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The final NICE scope is here: read our analysis

N.b. We wrote this article prior to more of the appointments for the guideline development committee being made. Some of these appointments are inappropriate and we are working on a response to that. There are still some committee vacancies that have yet to be filled. We’ll update everyone as soon as possible. In the meantime

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NICE Guideline for ME: #MEAction UK Responds to Second Draft Scope

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is in the process of updating its guideline for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis by October 2020. #MEAction UK has issued a response to the second draft scope for the ME/CFS Guideline.  The scope is a document which will provide the framework for the new guidelines; providing feedback about

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