Tag: Netherlands

Netherlands: Artists to showcase their work to raise awareness for ME

Anil van der Zee, 38, is a former professional ballet dancer in Amsterdam. In 2007, he contracted a viral infection, Cytomegalovirus, and never fully recovered. A few years later he was diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). He describes his transition from being a strong, vibrant dancer to a

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Empty shoes

A few years after getting ill, I discovered that I can write interesting stories about things that happen inside or close to my home. For instance about birds or cats visiting our garden (preferably not at the same time), books, music or even what we had for dinner. This time it is about my shoes, my empty shoes. Who needs shoes while lying on the sofa, anyway?

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Global: RSVP for #MillionsMissing around the world!

Want to get involved, but aren’t sure how to proceed?  Here is a living document you can use to determine where protests are happening near you, how to register, and who to contact to learn about the #MillionsMissing protests happening around the world. Canada Elizabeth Sanchez and Scott Simpson : millionsmissingcanada@gmail.com Germany Daniel Hattesohl: danielbrh@posteo.de

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