Tag: medical education

Tell your Doctor that GET is gone

The updated NICE guideline on ME/CFS contains substantial changes that alter the treatment and management of people with ME in England and Wales*. We need your help to tell doctors and other medical staff that the recommended treatments for people with ME have changed. We want to get the message out that there are new

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5 different art images that won for 2020 PostcardsToDoctors are shown in a collage next to the #MEAction logo and wording Join our 2020 campaign!

Announcing the Launch of Postcards to Doctors 2020!

We’re thrilled to announce the winners of our postcard design contest for our second annual Postcards to Doctors campaign! We received over 100 submissions from 40 people by the October 5th deadline. We were so impressed by the beauty, cleverness, and skill on display in these wonderful pieces.   It was no small feat to choose just

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New York State Health Commissioner Sends Letter to Physicians about ME

On Friday, May 26th, New York State (NYS) Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker emailed a letter regarding Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) to eighty-five thousand physicians in NYS. In the letter he describes the illness, encourages physicians to consider ME as part of a differential diagnosis when evaluating patients with symptoms, and refers readers to Jen Brea’s

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Introducing Blue Ribbon Fellow: Kelly Gaunt

The Blue Ribbon Foundation, the non-profit behind the documentary Forgotten Plague, has an educational and research agenda. In addition to getting the film in front of as many people in the medical and health profession as possible, one of the primary programs they have created is a student fellowship for medical students to assist in top ME research

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