Thousands living with chronic illness ME are listened to after years of fighting to be heard – Press Release

Press Release After 14 years of recommending graded exercise therapy to people with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has removed this harmful treatment from its new guideline on ME/CFS, released today. Sian Leary, spokesperson for #MEAction UK, highlights the importance of the new guideline: “This is a huge

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Cochrane redux

Get caught up!  Start with Cochrane Analysis: What’s Here, What’s Missing, Conclusions What has gone on before Cochrane Reviews are well-known systematic reviews of studies in healthcare, and are internationally recognized — enough to be considered the last word in healthcare as far as some medical publications are concerned.  In 2019, Larun et al. wrote

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Covid-19 has worsened our ME, report survey respondents

Read the first findings from the survey #MEAction UK and #MEAction Scotland are conducting with Action for ME to gather evidence of the impact of Covid-19 on people with ME. Preliminary Report The aim of the survey is to provide data that can be used, along with personal stories, to help our campaign to make

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Meet the Long Haulers Developing ME/CFS

#MEAction sent out a press release last week to 300 major publications in the US introducing them to the long haulers who are experiencing symptoms of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), specifically post-exertional malaise. We alerted the press to the terrifying possibility that 1 million more Americans could develop ME following COVID-19 at the current rate of

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NIH Neglect is a Key Reason for the ME/CFS Crisis

The Associated Press published a syndicated article last week profiling a study being done by the NIH on ME/CFS. The article describes well the severity of ME, and the immense challenges our community faces, including lack of treatments, difficulty getting a diagnosis, skeptical doctors and a lack of knowledge about the disease. While the AP

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