#MEAction in the news
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There has been a tidal shift in the media’s interest in post-viral illness with the arrival of Long COVID. Since the very beginning of the pandemic, #MEAction’s press team has been focused on telling it loud and clear that ME is a central part of the COVID-19 narrative.
- Corresponding with Media: We are contacting every single journalist writing about Long COVID to educate them about ME. To date, we’ve contacted 2,499 journalists about ME.
- Press Conferences: In March 2021, #MEAction hosted a press conference featuring an esteemed panel of ME researchers, clinicians and patients to educate journalists about ME and its overlap with Long COVID. Journalists from attended from The New York Times, Fox News, NBC, CNN, Nature, Scientific American and Chicago Tribune.
- Shining Spotlight on NIH: We are calling for the NIH to prioritize ME/CFS researchers and build off existing knowledge as part of its $1.15 billion RECOVER initiative to research Long COVID. We are sounding the alarm that the NIH is failing to do so.
Press Hits
Press Coverage of #MillionsMissing protests
#MillionsMissing is a global movement to raise awareness for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Hundreds of cities across the world have joined in four global protests in the past three years to demand change from their governments. Learn more here. Email press@meaction.net to add to this list.
- “Living with ME/CFS: #MillionsMissingAustralia,” 3CR Community Radio
- “To the #MillionsMissing with ME/CFS, something remarkable is happening” Guardian Australia
- “I’m at my wit’s end’: why chronic fatigue patients are fed up,” Canberra Times
- Announcement of #millionsmissing protest, starts at 3:15, The City Journal, Oct. 12
- Rethinking Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, The Saturday Paper
- Melbournians Join Global Protest #MillionsMissing Melbourne, Newsmaker
- “White Rock woman shares her struggle with ‘horrendous’ fatigue,” Surrey Now Leader
- “Alysha Woodhead and Olivia Fitch join Global News Calgary to discuss myalgic encephalomyelitis,” Global Calgary
- “陈明真等助阵“2019范景翔与好朋友音乐会”关怀全球ME/CFS慢性疲劳,” Shanghai China News
- “Châteaubourg (35) : des chaussures pour rendre visible le syndrome de la fatigue chronique,” France 3
“Fatigue chronique – Comme si on enlevait mes piles,” Ouest France
“Ils veulent rendre visible ce qui est méconnu,” Ouest France
“Qu’est-ce que le syndrome de fatigue chronique qui toucherait près de 150.000 Français?” 20 Minutes
“Qu’est-ce que le syndrome de fatigue chronique,” Sciences et Avenir
“Syndrome de fatigue chronique: non reconnue et mal diagnostiqué,” France Soir
“Syndrome de fatigue chronique: une maladie méconnue et mal soignée dont souffrent aussi les adolescents,” Pourquoi Docteur
“Une maladie rare à découvrir et soutenir,” Journal de Vitré
- “Mit 19 Jahren Pflegefall” – Mittagsmagazin
- “Wir werden gesehen! – ME/CFS in den Medien,” cfs-ladestation
- “Betroffene machen auf ihre Situation aufmerksam“, Tagesschau
- “Leben ohne Power“, ZDF
- “Nichts geht mehr. Wenn du eine rätselhafte Krankheit hast und keiner kann dir helfen.“, BR
- “Krank ohne Diagnose“, Deutschlandfunk
- “Mein Leben mit chronischem Erschöpfungssyndrom“, puls/funk (ARD/ZDF)
- “Hertha BSC-Fans machen für ME/CFS-Gedenktag mobil“, Faszination Fankurve
- “Wenn der Akku nicht mehr lädt“, Berliner Woche
- “Die Krankheit ME: ein Leben am Abgrund“, VdK
- “Es fing mit Halsschmerzen an – heute ist Karin Münster unheilbar krank“, Focus
- “Möglicher Bluttest für Chronisches Fatigue Syndrom ME/CFS“, BR
- “Totale Erschöpfung: Wenn du ein Monster hinterherschleppst“, BR
- “Chronisches Erschöpfungssyndrom: Was tun, wenn die Müdigkeit nicht mehr aufhört?“, BR
- “Jahrelang krank: Das chronische Erschöpfungssyndrom“, BR
- “Chronisches Erschöpfungssyndrom anerkennen,” RBB24
- “ME/CFS Gedenktag 2018,” The Gruppa
- CFS-Patienten stoßen nach wie vor auf Vorurteile (CFS patients continue to face prejudice), Gesundheitsstadt Berlin
- Auf eine schlimme Krankheit aufmerkam machen, Der Freitag
- Chronische Fatigue – mehr als “nur” bleierne Müdigkeit, Inforadio
- International ME / CFS Day on May 12th, Apotheke
- Mit Schuhen, Fotos und Briefen wurde gestern auf die Krankheit Myalgische Enzephalomyelitis, kurz ME, aufmerksam gemacht, Radio Hagen
- #MillionsMissing – Ein Hashtag, der den Unsichtbaren ein Gesicht gibt, Huffington Post, Germany
- “We are ill. We are not faking this,” The Journal
- “Out of sight, but not out of mind – The hidden victims of M.E,” The Galway Daily
- “Rare Illness Sufferers Demand Recognition From Health Minister,” Midlands 103
- Health Board: upcoming conferences, talks, campaigns and events, Irish Times
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Living Absent From Life, Newsweek Espanol
- Politiebureau licht blauw op voor ziekte ME, Dagblad 101
- Barendrecht licht blauw op voor de ziekte ME (Barendrecht light blue for the disease ME), Barendrechts
- Barendrecht licht zaterdag 12 mei blauw op voor de ziekte ME (Barendrecht light Saturday, may 12, blue for the disease ME), Barendrecht NU
- Erasmusbrug en Euromast kleuren blauw voor Wereld ME-dag (Erasmus bridge and Euromast tower blue for World ME-day), RTV Rijnmond
- DOT Groningen licht blauw op voor de ziekte ME (DOT Groningen light blue for the disease ME), Groningen
“ME-patiënten plaatsen duizenden schoenen op het Plein,” Den Haag FM, Sept. 26 2016
“Stille schoenenparade vóór Tweede Kamer,” De Telegraaf, Sept. 27 2016
“Tientallen lege schoenen tegenover Tweede Kamer,” dichtbij, 27 September 2016
- “Plein vol met schoenen voor een betere behandeling ziekte ME,” AD, 27 September 2016
- “ME-patienten demonstreren op Haagse Plein voor erkenning,” 27 September 2016
- “Hope for ME: Co Down woman’s campaign for the thousands living with chronic fatigue syndrome,” Irish News
- “Demonstrators at Stormont urge more research into chronic disease ME,” The Irish News, 28 September 2016
- “ME sufferers step up drive for more help,” Belfast Telegraph, 28 September 2017
- “Jeg har mistet kontroll over livet mitt. Jeg sitter bare på sidelinjen og ser at ting passerer forbi,” Haugesunds Avis
- “Markerte ME-dagen i Stavanger sentrum: – Jeg er fortvilet over hvor stille dette fagfeltet har vært,” – Stavanger Aftenblad
- “ME-dagen markeres,” – NRK Nyhetsmorgen
- ”Stor markering i Stavanger på ME-dagen” – Dagsavisen (2018)
- “Sko for myalgisk encefalomyelitt” – NRK Rogaland (2018)
“Skoene til de som ikke kan være med” – Stavanger Aftenblad (2018)
- “Norges største samling på ME-dagen,” (Norway’s biggest event on the ME-day), TV Vest
- “Skoene til de som ikke kan være med,” Aftenbladet
- “ME: – De meldes til barnevernet for omsorgssvikt,” Side Two, Sept. 27 2016
- “Shoes for a Syndrome,” Sandton Chronicle, Sept. 27 2016
- “Kräver jämlik vård för ME-sjuka,” Swedish radio, SR P4
- “Elenor, 44, lever med ME: ”En skitsjukdom,” Newspaper GT
- “ME Day – See the nice symbol for all ME patients” TV4
- “Därför ställs tomma skor ut i Sundsvall i en stor aktion (Therefore, empty shoes are put out in Sundsvall in a big action),” Sundsvalls Tidning
- “Ställer ut skor för att uppmärksamma mystiska sjukdomen (Set out the shoes to pay attention to mysterious illness),” Aftonbladet
- “Millions of Missing People are about to Reappear for a Week,” The Canary
- “A Heavy Weight to Carry,” Teach Wire
- “Glasgow’s Belle & Sebastian Frontman Tells of Illness Battle,” Evening Times
- “Virtual Pilgrimage – the road less travelled,” Church Times
- “Things you only know if You’re living with M.E.,” Grazia UK magazine
- “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Sufferer Reveals Crippling Truth Of Condition, It’s Not ‘Just Laziness,” Unilad
- “The important reason why people are leaving shoes around cities” Marie Claire UK
- “ME Protesters Gather in London” BBC
- “Gateshead Teenager Calls for Better ME understanding” BBC
- “Campaigners call for more treatment for those living with ME” ITV
- “Belle and Sebastian lead singer Stuart Murdoch opens up on 30-year battle with ME,” The Times UK
- Elderly ME sufferer from Clayhall to raise awareness of devastating effects of illness through a virtual protest,The Guardian
- “This illness is sucking the life out of millions of people – how to spot it and why it happens,” The Birmingham Mail
- “Raising Profile of ME Illness,” Worchester News
- Brief radio interview with #MillionsMissing organizer (minute 58), BBC Radio Bristol
- “This is why there’s so many abandoned shoes on College Green,” Bristol Post
- “#MillionsMissing: the campaign for ME equality,” The Bristol Cable
- “100 pairs of shoes used to make poignant protest in Bristol City Center,” Bristol Post, Sept 27 2016
- “Silent shoe protest at lack of funding for ME,” ITV Report (Bristol), Sept. 27 2016
- “The truth about living with M.E.- 3 women’s stories,” BBC Bristol
- BBC Wales Today
- “A protest for the rights of people with M.E is coming to Cardiff,” Wales Online, Sept 21 2016
- #CardiffNews
- “ME sufferers speak out about their battle with the ‘invisible illness‘,” Leamington Observer
- “Life with ME is a “long and hard journey” says 16-year-old Hope Simpson, of Bishop Auckland,” The Northern Echo
East Yorkshire
- “As part of ME Awareness week, Zoe chats with her about #Millionsmissing,” Hull Kingston Radio
- “Stuart Murdoch: George Square event aims to raise awareness of ME,” Evening Times
- “Belle & Sebastian frontman Stuart Murdoch on ME battle,” Herald Scotland
- “Adrenaline junkie’ Gloucester mum left unable to wash herself or walk without stick by ME disease,” Gloucestershire Live
- “Woman bedbound for two years says doctors told her chronic illness was ‘all in her head,” Daily Mail
- “Leeds to host #MillionsMissing protest to highlight plight of people with chronic fatigue condition ME,” Yorkshire Evening Post
- “#MillionsMissing protest held in Leeds city centre to draw attention to the plight of ME sufferers,” Yorkshire Evening Post
- “Meet the inspirational woman behind the Millions Missing Leeds campaign,” Female First
- “Hairdresser who loved life says he feared he would die after developing ‘tightrope’ condition,” Liverpool Echo
- Camberwell ME Sufferer Backs Campaign for More Research Funding as she tells of Life as one of the ‘Millions Missing’” Southwark News
- “I was humbled by the ‘millions missing’ yesterday. Now it’s time for unrest,” The Canary
- “On Saturday ‘millions’ of ‘missing’ people will reappear for the day,” The Canary
- “Chronic fatigue treatment inadequate, say campaigners,” Channel 4 News
- Bob Dylan’s ‘Blowin’ in the Wind’ has been re-imagined for the ‘millions missing’: Part One, Part Two,” The Canary
- “St Albans ME group uses shoes to raise awareness as part of global campaign,” Herts Advertiser
- #MillionsMissing: Sea of empty shoes left outside Department of Health in global ME protest, The Evening Standard, London
- “Millions Missing Rally Returns to Manchester for ME,” Salford Star
- “Empty shoes’ raise awareness of ME,” ITV
- “Manchester protest calls for funding boost for ME sufferers,” Planet Radio
- “Millions Missing ME Rally in Manchester Calls for Proper Funded Research and Treatment,” Salford Star
- “Demonstration at Eric Morecambe statue will raise awareness of ME sufferers,” Lancaster Guardian
- “I have a devastating illness, so why do doctors doubt my struggles?” Easter Daily Press
- Empty shoes create poignant image of those affected by ME, Eastern Daily Press
- BBC Radio Nottingham, Sept. 19 2016
- BBC East Midlands
- BBC1
- “ME affects four times as many men as women. Is that why we’re still disbelieved?” Guardian, 27 Sep 2016
- BBC TV South
- Rows of empty shoes outside the Radcliffe Camera, Oxford will represent Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers at Millions Missing,” The Oxford Times, Sept. 27 2016
- “Belle and Sebastian singer in ME rallying call,” The Hearld
- “Belle and Sebastian singer in ME protest,” The Scotsman
- “Kevan Christie: Stereotyping still prevents ME from being taken seriously,” The Scotsman, May 11, 2017
- “ME sufferers seek help to defeat burden of chronic fatigue,” The Scotsman, May 6, 2017
- “Why are you ignoring ME, Ms Robison?” Edinburgh News, May 10, 2017
- “Crippled by M.E but doctors say it’s MY fault,” Daily Record, May 10, 2017
- “The missing millions that spend their life hidden with ME,” The Sheffield Telegraph
- “These are the Sheffield landmarks that will be turning blue to mark ME Awareness Week,” The Star
- “Thousands Join Together for MillionsMissing – a Global Week of Demonstrations for ME Health Equality,” North Manchester FM 106.6
- “Sheffield Landmarks are Set to Turn Blue this Weekend,” Shef News
- “#MillionsMissing: ME health equality action,” Shef News
- “Millions Missing campaign to highlight ME related isolation,” Sheffield Live
- “Representing the Millions Missing in Sheffield,” The Medium
- “Millions Missing Campaign Comes to Southampton to Highlight ME Problems,” Daily Echo
- “We deserve to be looked at as equal,” Daily Echo
- “What is #MillionsMissing?,” Health Watch
- “Thousands to unite in Southampton for the #MissingMillions,” Daily Echo
- Breakfast radio show (starts 0:35:00), BBC Radion Solent
- Breakfast radio show (starts 1:11:02), BBC Radion Solent
- “ME/CFS Millions Missing Southampton 2018,” YouTube
- “Woman’s life blighted by devastating scourge of ME,” Sussex Express
- ‘Humanitarian crisis’ for ME sufferers in Wales,” BBC News Wales
- “Campaigners call for more treatment for those living with ME,” ITV News
- “Something a little bit different: ME/CFS chronic fatigue syndrome (interviews w/patients at 25:00),” Radio Winchcombe
- “Campaigners call for more research into ME,” Worchester News
- “He pioneered technology that fueled the Human Genome Project. Now his greatest challenge is curing his own son,” CNN
- “Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Protests Tuesday,” National Pain Report
- “How 1 Filmmaker is Using Her Illness to Inspire and Empower Others” INC Magazine
- “What is Myalgic Encephalomyeltis? The “Millions Missing” Hashtag is Raising awareness of the chronic illness through social media” Bustle
- “The hidden ME too: 100,000 people in Illinois could suffer from debilitating disease” Chicago Reader
- “ME/CFS Patients and Allies Are Rallying Worldwide to Demand Better Treatment,” The Mighty
- “Using lessons from HIV activism,” The Body
“Protesters Demand Increased Funding for ME/CFS Research,” US News & World Report, Sept. 28 2016
“Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Rallys Scheduled Next Week, Calls For Increased Government Funding For Research,” The Global Dispatch, Sept. 21, 2016
“Timely MillionsMisssing Protest Demands Funding For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS),” ProHealth, Sept. 26 2016
“Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Protests Tuesday,” National Pain Report, Sept. 27 2016
“ME sufferers highlight lack of support and funding,” OnMedica, Sept. 27 2016
Tethered to my bed, I’m still fighting the stigma around “chronic fatigue”, STAT, a national publication of Boston Globe Media
Also picked up by The Week, entitled, I got mono in college. Decades later, I still haven’t recovered.
Also picked up by Business Insider, entitled, A disease that causes debilitating exhaustion affects more than a million Americans, and no one’s addressing it
Chronic Fatigue Patients Take to the Streets: Global protest highlights demands for more research, physician education, MedPage Today
The Pacifica Evening News, 05.25.16 – 6:00pm, (36:00-38:55) KFPA Radio, San Francisco Bay Area
Broadbent: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome victims, 2.1 million in U.S., need your help, San Jose Mercury News, San Francisco Bay Area
Disabled Former Teacher Campaigns for Disease Research JD News, (Jacksonville, NC)
#MillionsMissing Protest: Highlighting an Illness Whose Toll is Unseen, Our Bodies Ourselves
Will You Take My Disease Seriously Now?, The Valley Advocate (Boston, MA area)
- “It’s like the flu, but it’s not: Today is International ME-CFS Awareness Day,” The Fresno Bee
- “A Mystery Disease That Robs Vitality,” Santa Barbara Independent
- “Chronic fatigue syndrome puts Central Florida woman on a mission to help,” Orlando Sentinel
- Dozens Rally To Bring Attention To Incurable Disease, CBS Chicago, Sept. 27 2016
- Chicago Residents To Protest Lack Of Support For Those Suffering With Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, The Beachwood Reporter (Chicago), Sept. 26 2016
- WBBM (CBS Radio, Chicago IL)
- “Chronic Fatigue Patients Fight for Research, Funding, and Recognition,” Boston Magazine, September 27th, 2016
- WBEZ-FM: (CBS Radio, Boston MA), Sept. 26 2016
- WWLP Channel 22
Sapped of strength and stricken with pain and confusion those with chronic fatigue syndrome seek help with an elusive illness, Daily Hampshire Gazette, Dec. 19 2016
- “Local Man Testifies To Senate Panel About ME/CFS,” WHMI
- WLNS-TV (CBS, Lansing MI): News at 5
- WLNS-TV (CBS, Lansing MI): News at 5, News at 6
- WLIX-TV (NBC, Lansing MI)
- “New Hope woman with fatigue condition honors fellow ‘millions missing’ from jobs, social spheres,” Sun Post
New York
- Radio: “The Mid-week Wrap-up,” WKZE
- “More than a million Americans are suffering from a debilitating disease that makes simple tasks impossible — and they’re fed up with being ignored,” Business Insider
“Congress must help the MillionsMissing,” The Hill Blog, Sept. 23, 2016
“Life-draining disease needs research,” Green Bay Press Gazette, Sept. 23, 2016
“MillionsMissing — A Hidden Epidemic and a Day of Action,” Inside Sources, Sept 27 2016
Also picked up by the Courier-Post (a USA Today network newspaper in New Jersey), titled, “A day of action for a hidden epidemic, Sept. 26 2016
Also picked up by the Huffington Post, titled “MillionsMissing: A Hidden Epidemic and a Day of Action,” Sept. 28 2016
- Pittsburgh City Paper, in-depth story that includes interviews with Ron Davis and Mary Dimmock
- WPGH-TV (FOX, Pittsburgh PA): News at 10
- WPXI 11 News: 30 second clip on the 5:30 pm news.
South Carolina
- “State Lawmakers Declaring May as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis ‘ME’ Awareness Month,” ABC Columbia
- City Proclamation Declares May As Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) Awareness Month, The Daniel Island News
- “40,000 people in SC may have this fatigue-causing illness. It’s been overlooked for years,” The Post & Courier
- Chronic Fatigue, Good4Utah
Washington, D.C.