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Facets of ME: Travel Tips

Welcome to August’s Facets of ME! If you are unfamiliar, #FacetsOfME is a new #MEAction feature this year where we take time to explore one facet or aspect of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS). Sometimes it is a symptom and sometimes it is a unique aspect many of us face living with ME. So far we have

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Facets of ME: Temperature Dysregulation

Welcome to June’s #FacetsOfME! Facets of ME is an educational feature where we dive into a particular aspect (or facet) of ME and explore it more in depth. This month we are focusing on temperature dysregulation- heat and cold intolerance. It is surprising how difficult this symptom can be to manage until you experience it.

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Dept. of Labor Updates Information on ME/CFS for Workers, Employers

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) has updated the information on ME/CFS provided at its Job Accommodation Network website to align with the most current CDC guidance. This action will help workers and employers find accurate information on ME/CFS and combat stigma and improve workplace outcomes. At #MEAction’s recent meeting

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We can’t believe it! Another $50k matching gift!

I am so thrilled to tell you that we have another $50,000 (£39,873.50) matching gift for #MEAction’s #MillionsMissing fundraiser. That means that everything you give will be matched dollar for dollar until we reach our goal of $200,000 (£159,490)! Donate Now Here are three ways you can help us maximize this matching gift: Donate  Start

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Email Doctor Unger about the Misinformation at CDC

People with ME deserve accurate & clear ME/CFS education from the Centers for Disease Control, not recycling of discredited recommendations for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Graded Exercise Therapy (GET). The invited speaker at May 13th’s CDC Stakeholder Engagement & Communication (SEC) Call presented this slide on ME/CFS management. Failing the #MillionsMissing yet again! Information

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#MillionsMissing MAY 2022 Wrap Up

Thank you for sharing your stories, for illustrating our common thread so that our governments, healthcare systems, and other institutions can respond fully to the crisis of ME, Long COVID and other complex, chronic conditions. As Omar Wasow said in his #MillionsMissing speech, “We are at the cusp of newfound power.”  “That has the potential to

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The Last Two Years Changed the World…

What a year 2021 was! People with ME have always faced formidable challenges: every day combatting stigma, lack of understanding from clinicians, NIH’s and CDC’s low budgetary commitments, and a world of challenges navigating disability on top of symptoms.  It’s no exaggeration to say that 2020 and 2021 changed the world – and the world of chronic,

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Medieval Town of Med-Ed Featured Image

#MEAction Arrives in the Medieval Town of Med-Ed

Here’s a hearty hello from the Medieval Town of Medical Education!  Lords and Ladies,  We did it!… we got over $75,000 (£56,781) which means we have arrived at this new land on our Giving Adventure Map. I’m Laurie Jones, the Managering Elf, and I am going to tell you what awesome stalls await you at

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CDC must act now to stop flawed review of ME/CFS treatments

In advance of next week’s CDC ME/CFS Stakeholder Engagement and Communication (SEC) call, #MEAction has sent a letter to Chronic Viral Diseases Branch Chief Dr. Elizabeth Unger requesting her to clearly and directly address our four key objections to publishing a flawed evidence review of ME/CFS treatments that CDC commissioned. Read Letter The review wrongly

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