Search Results for: exercise – Page 33

Tell Congress to Increase ME Funding

Have you always wanted to email your Congressmen/ women about ME/CFS but don’t know what to say? Or maybe you’re too sick to draft a letter? We’ve made it easy! Just go to the listed website and copy and paste the sample letter!

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What the CDC needs to know about the $5.4 million funding restoration

In a budget agreement announced early Wednesday morning, funding for the US Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) ME/CFS program was restored to the full $5.4 million. The omnibus budget bill is expected to pass both houses on Friday. CDC funding for ME/CFS had previously been cut to $0 in the proposed 2016 budget. [pullquote align=”right” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=””

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Study finds evidence of downregulated immune system in ME/CFS patients

Researchers analysed 100 blood samples from the Solve ME/CFS Biobank of patients and results included finding 3 clusters. The cluster of Interleukin-16 (IL-16), IL-7 and VEGF-A was both significantly downregulated and tightly correlated with each other. IL-16 is a pro-inflammatory cytokine and the reduction shown may indicate immunodeficiency. IL-7 is indispensable for the creation and survival of immune cells (T cells, B cells, NK cells). VEGF-A: stimulates new blood vessel and muscle growth.

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James Coyne to PLOS One: Don’t let PACE make a mockery of data sharing

Professor James Coyne yesterday posted online his letter to PLOS One complaining about the PACE authors’ failure to provide him with data from a paper published in the journal. Coyne’s letter was premature because he had been misinformed that he would receive a response within 20 days rather than 20 working days. However, it indicated

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Debunking the myth of the militant minority

In the British media, ME activists who have opposed cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and graded exercise therapy (GET) are often been portrayed as an unreasonable, militant “minority.” Members of the #MEAction Science and Treatment Policy and Media Working Groups have drafted this fact sheet to explain the real reasons why ME patients are opposed to CBT and

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Complain about NIH's Claims on CBT and GET

Medline Plus, NIH’s web site for patients, just published an article from health news distributor Healthday, based on the recent, discredited U.K. PACE study. The new article states that “cognitive behavioral therapy and graded exercise therapy are among the best available treatments for extended relief” of ME/CFS. Fortunately, if you want to file a complaint about this article, it’s super easy.

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Petition: Investigate PACE, remove CBT and GET from treatment guidelines

#MEAction has just launched a major new petition to get the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to throw its considerable weight behind calls to The Lancet to have the notorious PACE trial independently re-analysed. The petition also asks the HHS to take immediate steps to protect ME/CFS patients both in the US

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James Coyne declares “moral equivalent of war” on PACE

James Coyne gives a public talk on PACE Trial In a public talk in Edinburgh on Monday, psychologist Professor James Coyne declared the “moral equivalent of war” on the practices and assumptions that, he said, have allowed the “bad science” of the PACE trial to go unchallenged by scientists and the media. The authors of

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