Search Results for: exercise – Page 32

Geocentrism and PACE – both on the wrong side of science

Geocentrism and PACE – both on the wrong side of science Thank you to Ella Peregrine for kindly allowing us to republish her facebook post on #MEAction Recently, David Tuller, James Coyne, Vincent Racaniello, and some other non-invested scientists and writers have been looking more carefully into the claims and relative lack of transparency of the

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We All Have CFS, Like It Or Not

I’ve been inspired to write by Lucibee’s recent blogpost about the PACE trial (, She raises an important point about how patients can sometimes be received for reporting any sort of improvement from CBT or GET.

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James Coyne to talk in Belfast on “scandal” of the PACE trial

Talk by James Coyne in February Professor James Coyne of the University of Pennsylvania will be giving a talk entitled “The scandal of the £5 million UK PACE trial for ME: what can be done?” to two separate audiences in Belfast, Northern Ireland, in February. One talk is directed specifically at professionals, including Members of

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Lancet Psychiatry publish Coyne and Laws PACE critique

Lancet Psychiatry have published three letters criticising a paper published in the journal on the long-term follow-up results of the PACE trial. A response from the study authors was also published. The paper, published in October, showed little difference in self-rated fatigue and physical function between the four treatment arms and thus no benefit of

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Columbia professor says PACE damaging Lancet’s reputation

Yesterday, Columbia University professor of statistics Andrew Gelman published a warning that The Lancet was risking its reputation by refusing to rectify errors in the main paper on the PACE trial that appeared in the journal in 2011. In his article on a popular statistics blog, Professor Gelman described the PACE authors’ refusal to share

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David Tuller: 68 unanswered questions about the PACE trial

Yesterday, journalist and public health expert Dr. David Tuller published on Virology Blog a list of 68 questions for the authors of the controversial PACE trial. The trial studied the effects of graded exercise and cognitive therapy on chronic fatigue syndrome. Dr. Tuller has, he said, been seeking answers from the PACE researchers for more

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Davis, Tuller, Racaniello, and Levin issue FOI request for PACE data

Yesterday four scientists, led by world-famous geneticist Professor Ronald Davis, added to the pressure for scientific transparency on the PACE trial by making a request for raw data under the Freedom of Information Act. Davis was accompanied in his request by biostatistician Professor Bruce Levin and immunologist Professor Vincent Racaniello, both of Columbia University, and Dr.

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