Search Results for: PACE – Page 23

USA federal agencies

#MEACTION USA FEDERAL AGENCIES We are fighting for research, recognition and medical education from the NIH and CDC. We must hold the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) accountable for addressing the crisis of myalgic encephalomyelitis, which affects more than 1 million Americans. The NIH has long failed

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Find your group

Find your group Support groups National & local groups Affinity groups Interest groups Campaigns Support groups Support groups #MEAction Living w/ ME Support Group #MEAction Long COVID Group Pregnancy and Parenting with M.E. #MEAction Caregivers’ Support Group #MEAction Seniors Connect National & local groups International #MEAction Global #MEAction En Español  #MEAction’s Facebook groups are informal spaces for

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Healthcare Providers

Healthcare Providers Diagnosing and caring for patients Myalgic encephalomyelitis (also known as chronic fatigue syndrome or ME/CFS) is a complex chronic disease that presents with symptoms in multiple body systems.  ME is a neurological disease according to the World Health Organization.   For decades, “chronic fatigue syndrome” was a diagnosis of exclusion, resulting in the

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Caregivers Caring for people with ME and caring for yourself, too.  How does ME impact caregivers? Myalgic encephalomyelitis is a complex, challenging disease for everyone involved – not least the caregiver or carer. Caring for someone with ME requires adaptibility, patience, commitment and compassion. We hope the resources below will help you better navigate the

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People with ME

People with ME * Long haulers experiencing symptoms of ME/CFS, start with this page.  DIAGNOSIS & DOCTORS Myalgic encephalomyelitis (also known as chronic fatigue syndrome or ME/CFS) is a complex chronic disease that presents with symptoms in multiple body systems.  ME is a neurological disease according to the World Health Organization.   ME is characterized

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Researchers, Clinicians and Patients: Submit a Manuscript on ME to WORK Journal

Researchers, patients and clinicians are invited to submit a manuscript for consideration in a special issue of WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation (IOS Press), which will focus exclusively on the area of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Submissions are due Sept. 13, 2019. Scope The focus of this special edition is to examine how

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#MEAction Volunteers-of-the-Month: MEpedia Stalwarts

#MEAction is honored to announce our volunteers-of-the-month, Innie and Pyrrhus, who are extremely dedicated contributors to MEpedia, our wiki encyclopedia for the ME and CFS community.  Powered by #MEAction, MEpedia is crowdsourcing a knowledge base on the history, science and medicine with the goal to create a literature review so accurate, comprehensive, and technical that it can serve as a

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Volunteers: the bedrock of every #MEAction Scotland campaign

Volunteers are at the heart of everything #MEAction Scotland does. We are always looking for more people to help make a difference and support our work in Scotland. Currently, #MEAction Scotland is run by a small group of volunteers, most of whom have ME, with support from the UK coordinator. If you are interested in

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Erin Roediger: Igniting a Fire for ME

As the U.S. Advocacy Manager for #MEAction, I have the great pleasure of connecting fully to my life’s purpose: to be part of igniting the fire for change in the world. While it took me a while to determine that purpose, this truth has always been a driving force in my life. From a young

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