Search Results for: exercise – Page 22

Reanalysis of PACE Trial Shows GET and CBT are Ineffective

What would have been the outcome of the PACE trial had the investigators followed its original protocol instead of relaxing the criteria for “recovery” as the trial progressed? Researchers have just published a paper seeking to answer this question in a reanalysis of the PACE trial based on its original protocol. The authors concluded that

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Dutch Health Council Downgrades GET for ME/CFS

Author: Dutch Citizens’ Initiative “Recognize ME” (Group ME-TheHague). In the release of its much-anticipated report, the Dutch Health Council sees no reason to advise the use of Graded Exercise Therapy for people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome. However, the report does not go as far as to provide a rebuttal of GET or

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Activism 101: Educate Medical Providers about ME

Most doctors, nurses and other healthcare providers belong to a medical association in order to connect to a community of their peers. These medical associations typically send out regular magazines, newsletters and emails about the latest news and topics of interest to the medical field. A great way to begin to educate an entire community

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Watch the Westminster Hall debate on PACE

A Westminster Hall debate on the PACE trial will take place on Tuesday, 20th Feb., from 11 to 11:30 a.m. Carol Monaghan MP has secured the debate. Watch the Debate or Attend the Debate Follow the debate on Twitter by following @meactnetuk or @MEActNet. The debate will discuss the flawed science behind PACE, and how it has affected policy

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Urge your MP to Attend Westminster Hall Debate on PACE

A Westminster Hall debate on the PACE trial has been scheduled for Tuesday, 20th Feb., 11-11:30 a.m. Carol Monaghan MP has secured the debate. Please urge your MP to attend the Westminster Hall debate to learn about the flawed science behind PACE, and how it has affected policy on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) in the UK,

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'Unrest' at the Scottish Parliament

The Time for Unrest event at the Scottish Parliament on 30th January was an opportunity to raise awareness of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) among Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs), and ask them to take action to support the 21,000 people with ME in Scotland. Attended by over 70 people, it attracted an unprecedented number of

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