Search Results for: exercise – Page 21

Pastor Testifies About Wife's ME

Lutheran pastor, Stephen Friedrich, spoke about his wife’s struggle with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis before the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee (CFSAC) hearing on June 20th.  CFSAC met for its bi-annual meeting to discuss recommendations to make to the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) on issues related to Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome. [maxbutton id=”18″

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What next for the NICE guidelines?

Parliament Plays NICE #MEAction UK was thrilled to watch the longest ever UK parliamentary debate about ME on 21st June, after working so hard alongside so many others to make it happen. The three hour debate in Westminster Hall about treatment and research reflected a seismic shift in political understanding of ME. It was an

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Australia: Mason Foundation Explores Funding ME and CFS Biobank

Most of Australia’s medical research funding for ME and CFS comes from the Mason Foundation, who are currently looking at whether they will fund a biobank or a patient registry for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and/or chronic fatigue syndrome samples. Recently the Mason Foundation updated stakeholders on the decision-making process. This is important because if a biobank

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Westminster Hall debate could be a 'turning of the tide' for ME

Today was a turning of the tide for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) as 26 MPs attended a Westminster Hall debate on treatment and research for ME.  MPs called for the immediate removal of Graded Exercise Therapy (GET) from the NICE guidelines, as patients have consistently reported being harmed from attempting to undergo this treatment. MP Ed Davey

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Read the new parliamentary briefing

Next Thursday, Parliament will hold a 3-hour Westminster Hall debate on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis treatment and research in a monumental victory for the ME community. In preparation for the debate, #MEAction UK volunteers prepared a parliamentary briefing along with three other charities – ME Association, Action for M.E., and the ME Trust. (Learn more about how

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Victory for #MEAction NY Activists: State Publishes Webpage about ME

The New York State Department of Health has recently established a new webpage about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) on its website, thanks to the hard work of #MEAction activists. New York is one of only three states in the U.S. that has a page on ME. (Illinois and Wisconsin have some information about chronic fatigue syndrome.)

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Who is advising the Australian government on ME and CFS research and treatment guidelines?

Australian research is underfunded and the government’s clinical guidelines are outdated so the Australian government’s ME and CFS advisory committee is welcomed. It provides an important opportunity to call on the government to fund biomedical research and to give Australian doctors desperately needed clinical guidance. However, there are mixed perspectives on the committee.

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