Search Results for: exercise – Page 2

Cochrane Temporarily Removes Review of "Exercise Therapy for CFS"

Cochrane has temporarily removed a review from its database that claims exercise therapy is effective for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). Cochrane is a database of medical reviews and meta-analyses, which medical providers around the world rely on for diagnosing and treating disease. Their review, Exercise Therapy for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, covers

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Enrolling: Cornell Exercise Testing Study

Who: Cornell Center for Enervating Neuroimmune Disease What: The Center is collecting information from both ME patients and sedentary controls. You will first have a quick phone call to determine eligibility. If eligible, you will meet with a doctor (theirs or yours) to be examined or for blood and urine tests. Then you will complete questionnaires. Finally, you

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UNSW tests graded exercise on mild CFS patients

Australia’s University of NSW’s Psychiatry Department tested a graded activity program on 25 patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Before the study, patients could complete around 4 hours of ‘moderate intensity exercise’ a week (self-reported). It was not measured or recorded at the end of the program but the study found small improvements in cognitive performance, with some caveats.

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Rehmeyer and Tuller: PACE trial didn’t prove graded exercise safe for CFS

Journalists Julie Rehmeyer and Dr. David Tuller have published an analysis concluding that the PACE trial failed to demonstrate the safety of graded exercise therapy, despite its authors claiming that it was a safe treatment for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Their article, on Virology Blog, concludes that “the PACE researchers’ attempts to prove

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Rectangle image: Purplish marble background with a purple box in the center that says: A Very Modified Movement Class May 30. With the Meaction logo and the Nourish Yoga Logo at the bottom.

A Very Modified Movement Class on 5/30

#MEAction is hosting a virtual, 30 minute, very modified movement class on Thursday, May 30th at 11am PT/2pm ET/7pm BST that has been crafted specifically for people with ME. We are always thrilled to partner with Shannon Williams-Bramburger of Nourish Therapeutic Yoga to offer this class and we hope you join us! The whole class

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turquoise marble background with a light blue box in the center with the words, A Very Modified Movement Class - February 8th - . the #MEAction logo and the nourish logos at the bottom.

#MEAction Is Offering A Very Modified Movement Class

#MEAction is thrilled, once again, to partner with Shannon Williams-Bramburger of Nourish Therapeutic Yoga to provide a 30 minute, virtual very modified movement class on Thursday, Feb 8th at 11am PT/2pm ET/7pm GMT that has been crafted specifically for people with ME. The whole class will be lying down and can be done from bed.

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Image of Beth smiling at the camera is at the center of the image. The words Beth Mazur and Memorial Service underneath. There are green and blue foilage in the corners, plus the #MEAction Logo in the top right corner.

Beth Mazur — Memorial Service and Obituary

As many of you know, we lost a wonderful person recently. Beth Mazur passed away after battling ME for 15 years. She was the cofounder of #MEAction and a selfless beacon of hope and light for so many in our community. She demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the cause. We could not be more devastated. 

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#MEAction's Fund BOLD ACTION Campaign words over a picture of people holding a sign at a protest. #MEAction logo in the corner

#MEAction’s BOLD ACTION Campaign 2023

#MEAction’s 2023 Bold Action Campaign DONATE 100% 100% Amount raised $95,1 (£75,037) time until the end of the year Days Hours Minutes Support #MEAction’s 2023 Bold Action Campaign. Our goal: $100,000 (£81,699) by December 31st. DONATE #MEAction prides itself on being an activism first organization. From the protests around the world, to the displays of

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On a gray toned photo of the Washington Monument and cots on grass photos, the worlds #MEAction's 2023 Bold Action Campaign appear across the photo. The #MEAction logo is the bottom left hand corner.

Send a letter to support #MEAction’s 2023 BOLD ACTION Campaign

#MEAction’s 2023 BOLD ACTION Campaign DONATE Start a letter writing campaign Reach out to your friends and family and share your story. Ask them to support our global movement for BOLD ACTION to bring recognition, education and research for people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME). You can: Start an Individual Fundraiser Send an email Send a text

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