Search Results for: nice – Page 15

Are you Disabled? How does ME fit into the Disabled People’s Movement?

Values & Policy Initiative Learn more This article is part of our Values & Policy Initiative, a six-month long process for the community to come together to learn and discuss our core values, tactics and positions so that we are more unified in our work as a large, diverse community. This process will culminate in a statement of principles and values as well

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Volunteer of the Month: An Ally of Many Talents

Malcolm Bailey from the UK has bailed us out with his tech savvy skills on more than one occasion. We are so lucky to be able to rely on his dependable help for projects both small and large. As he describes it, ” As a healthy ally I’ve done everything from editing videos, ordering and distributing

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Why Civil Disagreement and Respect are Essential to the ME Movement

VALUES & POLICY INITIATIVE Learn more This article is part of our Values & Policy Initiative, a six-month long process for the community to come together to learn and discuss our core values, tactics and positions so that we are more unified in our work as a large, diverse community. This process will culminate in a statement of principles and values as well

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Why We Must Build an Open, Grassroots Movement

Listen to the article:  Values & Policy Initiative Learn more This article is part of our Values & Policy Initiative, a six-month long process for the community to come together to learn and discuss our core values, tactics and positions so that we are more unified in our work as a large, diverse community. This process will culminate in

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Your experience of ME/CFS services – Take the survey by #MEAction UK

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) are updating their guidelines on ME. As part of this they have published a call for evidence about 3 topics. #MEAction UK has put together the following survey to provide further evidence for the committee. [maxbutton id=”22″ url=”″ text=”Take the survey” ]   The survey asks

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Meet the #MEAction Staff: Espe Moreno

I am delighted to be part of the series in which you are getting to know the #MEAction staff! My name is Espe and I am #MEAction’s UK Coordinator. I am so honoured to be a part of the staff at #MEAction. I came to #MEAction via Unrest, as I was working on the impact

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We are building a movement at #MEAction UK. Join us!

#MillionsMissing – organised by #MEAction – has been such a successful campaign this year, and we thank everyone in the ME community for your part in this. At #MEAction UK we are building a movement. We’ve grown #MillionsMissing, a campaign for health equality for ME, from a single protest in London in May 2016 to

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#MillionsMissing from ME: 2019 Stories

We asked you, the #MillionsMissing from ME to tell us your stories. We are grateful for all that you’ve shared with us and each other. We are proud to publish your words. We won’t give up the fight. Here is the collection of your stories from 2019. *We tried our best to include all of

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Remembering the Forgotten: How AMMES Lessens Isolation and Neglect

Erica Verrillo is the president of the American ME and CFS Society, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. May is the month for acknowledging the Millions Missing – the millions of ME/CFS patients who, through the years, have suffered from poor medical care, insufficient research into the cause and mechanisms of the disease, and a paucity of clinical trials

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