Search Results for: exercise – Page 14

UK Teenager with Severe ME Threatened with Forced Institutionalization

The ME community is rallying around 17-year-old Jehan “Gigi” who has been hospitalized with severe myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) in the UK, and is now being threatened with being sectioned  – forced institutionalization – against her will to a psychiatric hospital for her inability to eat, speak or walk due to the effects of severe ME

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Australia’s ME/CFS Advisory Committee Releases Final Report

The final report from Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council’s (NHMRC’s) ME/CFS Advisory Committee, established in late 2017, has been released. The committee was tasked with advising NHMRC’s CEO on current needs for research and clinical guidance for ME/CFS in Australia.

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Australian Teenager with Severe ME Describes Forced Psychiatric Treatment

Originally published on ME Australia. by Sam* Sam (*not her real name) is a teenager living in Australia’s largest city without access to treatment to help her. Sam was prescribed graded exercise therapy (GET) and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) repeatedly. After doing GET, Sam became housebound. Sam now has very severe ME and says even

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The ME/CFS Harvard Collaboration Holds its First Symposium

 By Christopher Armstrong, PhD, OMF Science Liaison  When the Harvard ME/CFS Collaborative at Harvard Affiliated Hospitals was initiated last year with funds from Open Medicine Foundation (OMF), it was considered a commitment to co-leaders, Ronald G. Tompkins, MD, ScD, and Wenzhong Xiao, PhD, to begin a research operation in one of the world’s most respected academic institutions. The Harvard

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Why the Fight is Personal

I am so honored to work with the #MEAction community on a daily basis. Our organization is fighting hard everyday to communicate the truth about myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) – to shout it out loud and clear – to the world. My role as the #MEAction Editor & Communications Manager is to support, guide and spearhead

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Introducing #MEAction’s 2019 ME Research Summary

We are thrilled to announce the release of our 2019 research summary reviewing the most current and important research into myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and ME/CFS of the past 10 years. Our research summary provides essential stakeholders with access to a compiled, digestible resource that can help them excel in their respective areas of expertise, including clinicians,

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ME Friendly Forms of Escapism, and How Best to Undertake Them

Jack Croxall is an author, scriptwriter and blogger living in Nottinghamshire, UK. He fights ME both in life and in prose. Follow him on Twitter, on his blog, and view his books.  When you’re dealing with the symptoms of ME every minute of every day, it’s obviously difficult to forget that you’re sick. But I

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Help Simmaron Research AMPlify Therapies for ME!!

Simmaron Research is conducting a one-of-a-kind study to analyze data from ME/CFS patients who respond to treatments like Ampligen®, IVIG, and cidofovir, and we need your help funding this data analysis! Our goal is to publish peer-reviewed data to stimulate treatment trials and inform rigorous trial design ASAP!

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$1M Biobank Project for Australia

A charitable trust, the Mason Foundation, is asking researchers to submit proposals for a biobank and patient registry as well as a research project that uses the data and specimens. The trust will grant $200,000 a year for five years for the biobank project, $1 million in total. Applications are now open and close on 30 April 2019.

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