Search Results for: exercise – Page 12

NICE suspend work on new ME guidelines

The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have suspended work on all guidelines currently in development due to the Covid-19 pandemic, including their update of the ME/CFS guideline, originally due to be published October 2020 and recently delayed by NICE to December 2020. We support NICE’s aim to keep healthcare professionals on the

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APPG on ME Sample Email UK

Another No from NICE – Take ME Seriously

As publication of new ME guidelines are delayed, NICE once again refuse to take action to mitigate the harmful recommendations that still stand in the existing guideline. Join us as we send them a giant card and tweet them so that they see the damage their guidelines have caused. Read more below and take action.

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Charging Your Batteries

Ingebjørg Midsem Dahl has severe ME, and has written a book about pacing called, “Classic Pacing for a Better Life with ME.” She attributes her slow but steady improvement from being severe to now only housebound to following her own advice on pacing, and from various medical treatments, such as treatments for secondary infections. There

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Three members seated and speaking at the Public Petitions Committee Meeting

#MEAction Scotland’s Petition: Progress Continues

On Thursday 19th December, 2019 the Scottish Parliament’s Public Petitions Committee met to continue its consideration of  #MEAction Scotland’s petition, PE1690, which calls for a review of treatment of people with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) in Scotland. Appearing before the committee to give evidence were Jeane Freeman, the Scottish Government’s Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport,

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Danish Health Authority Refuses to Recognize WHO Definition for ME

The fight continues in Denmark for proper recognition and care for people with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). Last March in a huge victory for people with ME, Danish MPs unanimously agreed on a declaration that will recognise ME as a distinct disease, remove it from the “functional somatic syndromes” category, and promote the World Health Organization

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Why Claudia Carrera is Fighting for ME Research

Claudia Carrera, 35, was halfway through her graduate program in musicology at New York University when her mild symptoms of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) became severe. She tried pushing through, but eventually had to return home to be cared for by her parents. Nowadays, she oscillates between accepting she may never accomplish her life goals––finish her

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A Trial of ME – Elizabeth’s Story

This is me, my story, I am one of the millions missing. I may not look ill to you, but if you see me, it will be because I am having a ‘good’ day because I am well enough to be able to get dressed and leave the house. The rest of the time I

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Demystifying the Diagnostic Criteria for ME and Related disease

  Additions and corrections Initially we stated that ICC requires three months before diagnosis; this was in error. ICC specifies that the disease can be diagnosed immediately. This has been corrected in the text and within the pdf comparing criteria. One reader pointed out a very useful misconception regarding different criteria for different purposes, which

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Meet the Scientist: Dr. Dane Cook

Dane Cook is Professor of Kinesiology at the University of Wisconsin and Director of the March Center for Research in Exercise and Movement. He is also a member of the US. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Council Working Group for ME/CFS Research Roster. How did you get involved with the area of ME research? My first

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NICE Called for Evidence: Read #MEAction UK’s Response

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) are re-writing their guidelines on ME. As part of this they issued a call for evidence relating to three topics. #MEAction UK has now submitted our full response, collecting studies, surveys and data from multiple sources. [maxbutton id=”23″ url=”” text=”Read the full submission” ]   #MEAction

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