Search Results for: exercise – Page 11

Scottish Medical Education

Medical Education #MEAction Scotland’s medical education team of volunteers campaigns to ensure all healthcare professionals receive training and education that reflects the latest scientific evidence. Our aims Stop The Harm Removal of graded exercise therapy from all education and training materials High Quality Information Access for health professionals to accurate information on how to diagnose

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Medical Education

UK Medical Education Healthcare professionals urgently need accurate education and training that reflects the reality of ME as a complex multi-system disease. Medical education on ME in the UK is often lacking or contains erroneous information. We are working towards a world in which healthcare professionals immediately understand the severity of ME, and the basics

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Scottish Parliament

Scottish Parliament #MEAction Scotland’s parliamentary work is focused around our petition, submitted to the Scottish Government Public Petitions Committee in May 2018, and the actions that have arisen as a result of the petition process. Our aims #MEAction Scotland’s parliamentary lobbying activities  focus on three main areas: Care Campaign for the abolition of graded exercise

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NICE The ME/CFS guideline published by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) defines the treatment that people with ME receive. A new guideline published in October 2021 transforms the care people with ME can expect receive. Find out more below. In England and Wales the NHS follows the NICE guidelines, and in

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UK Parliament #MEAction UK’s parliamentary work involves a team of dedicated volunteers and thousands of constituents who have been engaging in campaigning since the organisation’s launch. Our aims #MEAction UK works to educate MPs about the injustice and neglect faced by people with ME, galvanising them to take action with and on behalf of their

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Post-COVID research & clinical care must include ME/CFS

People with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) have been concerned since the start of the coronavirus pandemic that a subset of COVID-19 patients will go on to develop ME/CFS. Unfortunately, we are already hearing from many COVID-19 survivors around the world that they are continuing to experience debilitating symptoms for many months, even after “mild”

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NICE continue to promote defunct treatment for post-viral illness

At the end of April, #MEAction UK sent the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) a six-metre-long card containing thousands of your names and messages describing the harm caused by graded exercise therapy (GET). NICE continues to recommend graded exercise therapy in their existing ME/CFS guidelines, whilst these are under review. Despite #MEAction

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New ME education module available for healthcare professionals

A new education module designed to teach healthcare professionals about ME has been released.  Send the new module to your GP, using our email template. The module was created by the CMRC Medical Education group, led by Dr Nina Muirhead, and is available for free online. The Group includes patients, professionals, charities and organisations such

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Thousands add messages to 6m long card

In light of an oncoming wave of people experiencing post-viral complications and potentially post-viral ME, telling our story is more important than ever.  “I would expect that people who have Covid-19 symptoms quite severely, of those, I would expect about 10% to have fatigue-like syndromes after 6 months, given current evidence.” – Professor Chris Ponting,

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