United Kingdom News
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UK CMRC Welcomes New Sponsors and Prepares for Research Conference
The UK CFS/ME Research Collaborative People with M.E. need better treatment and support. This can only be achieved through increasing the quality of research; by coordinating a stronger collaborative approach to stimulate more research through bringing in expertise from outside the field and supporting early stage career researchers; and by working strategically to increase funding
Fund Research into CFS/ME and Educate Health Professionals
I am one of the 250,000 people in the UK suffering with CFS/ME. Please help us to get the help that we so desperately need.
Help Shape Research in the NHS
The UK’s National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) is asking for suggestions from patients, carers and members of the public for tests and treatments that need to be researched.
Portraits of invisible illness
Juliet Chenery-Robson is a freelance photo-journalist and editor in the UK. She had to put aside her career and become a full time caretaker when her daughter developed ME at age 13. Robson has spent the past 10 years raising awareness for ME. She describes an all too familiar experience with doctors: [pullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”#E7453A” class=””
News from Wales
The situation for people with ME in Wales is extremely difficult. This is because there is no Specialist Care for people and the GPs do not have any training about the condition during their training. It is left up to them to find out about the condition if they need to or want to. Therefore
Help Action for ME Give Feedback to the House of Lords
Action for M.E. is submitting feedback to the United Kingdom’s House of Lords Select Committee on Equality Act The call for evidence covers a number of specific areas, so Action for ME is asking you to respond to a set of questions to help them form a response. Don’t worry if you aren’t able to
Life with M.E. – Short Film Fundraiser
Change For M.E. Change For Us is creating a short film about discrimination and neglect that those living with M.E. must face every day in the medical community. Our volunteers are raring to go, now we just need vital funding…
Acknowledge those suffering from Chronic Illnesses.
I have started a petition as I feel the general public need to be more educated on chronic illnesses.
Mike's EU Marathons – #3 Helsinki (Finland)
Episode 3 of my 28 European Marathon challenge takes me to Finland! I’m running a marathon in every country in the European Union to help raise awareness and funds for biomedical research into ME.
Mike's EU Marathons: Raising Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Awareness across Europe
28 Marathons for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Awareness and Research I’ll be running a marathon in each of the 28 EU member countries to raise awareness and much needed funds for biomedical research into ME & for the charity Invest In ME I’m aiming to raise funds and awareness for biomedical ME research across the 28 countries