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ME Activist Testifies before EU Parliament
Today Evelien Van Den Brink spoke powerfully and brilliantly to the Committee on Petitions in the European Parliament from

Colorado Activist Introduces Rotary Club Resolution for ME
Colorado activist, Jim Lutey, has introduced a Rotary Club resolution to encourage research, education and funding for myalgic encephalomyelitis

Cochrane Releases Problematic Review on ME/CFS
The revised Cochrane Review on ME/CFS was released today, October 2, 2019. We will share a more in-depth analysis

Postcards to Doctors returns!
Great news! Postcards to Doctors has relaunched as of today, October 1! You can now request new postcards and

Why Civil Disagreement and Respect are Essential to the ME Movement
VALUES & POLICY INITIATIVE Learn more This article is part of our Values & Policy Initiative, a six-month long process

Words from the Depths of Severe ME: Honoring the life of Rosie
Photo is of Rosie with her niece 10 years ago. Today we honor the life of Rosie Bayman who died

Why We Must Build an Open, Grassroots Movement
Listen to the article: Values & Policy Initiative Learn more This article is part of our Values & Policy

Join Our Values and Policy Initiative
Listen to the article: On behalf of #MEAction International’s board, staff, volunteers and everyone who form a part

Values & Policy: Outcome of our November Poll
Listen to the article: #MEAction’s Values & Policy initiative has evolved out of the need to better clarify

Your experience of ME/CFS services – Take the survey by #MEAction UK
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) are updating their guidelines on ME. As part of this

#MEAction Advocates will Speak at Stanford MEDx Conference this Weekend
#MEAction advocate, Terri Wilder, and #MEAction board member, Ryan Prior, are co-presenting at the Stanford MEDx conference this weekend

Brussels will Discuss EU Petition to Fund Biomedical Research for ME
Great news! Remember the petition that asks the EU to fund biomedical research on ME? It will be discussed

#MEAction Volunteer-of-the-Month: She’s been Fighting for Change for Four Decades
This month, #MEAction is honored to nominate Wilhelmina Jenkins as our Volunteer-of-the-Month. Wilhelmina has been fighting for recognition and

Patient Registry is the Key to Achieving Big Data for M.E.
We were excited to see #MEAction’s Director of Scientific and Medical Outreach, Jaime Seltzer, give a talk about “Big

NIH Working Group Releases Report on ME
Yesterday, the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) published a report of the NANDS Council Working Group for ME/CFS

NICE Call for Evidence on ME guidelines
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have put out a call for evidence in relation to

#MEAction’s Postcards to Doctors is an Unprecedented Success!
#MEAction’s Postcards to Doctors initiative has been successful beyond our wildest hopes! Since August 1, we’ve received requests for

NICE drag their feet on stopping the harm caused by GET and CBT
As part of our ongoing advocacy work, #MEAction UK has been campaigning for the National Institute for Clinical Excellence

UK fundraiser seeking your ME stories
Ellie Rushton, Birmingham UK, is setting out on a rather unique fundraising adventure. For the next six months (September

#MEAction Sends Letter to CDC Calling for Transparency and Progress
The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has initiated various projects focused on myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic

California Activists Fight for Centers of Excellence for ME
California advocates for myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) are fighting for the state to institute a statewide Centers of Excellence program

Why people with ME need healthy allies
On Sunday 29th of September, my husband, David, and our daughter, Rosslyn, are taking part in the Great Scottish

Attend the 3rd Annual Community Symposium on Molecular Basis of ME/CFS – Register to Attend or Watch
Stanford University is holding its 3rd Annual Community Symposium on the Molecular Basis of ME/CFS at Stanford University on Saturday, Sept. 7,

#MEAction Welcomes our Social Media Ambassador from South Africa
We are excited to announce our newest Social Media Ambassador, Clarinda Viviers, from South Africa! A social media ambassador

U.S School Nurses, Teachers & Counselors can now take Continuing Education Course about Pediatric ME/CFS
School nurses, counselors, social workers or teachers in any U.S. state can now earn earn 3.25 Continuing Education credits (CNE) for

Australia to Launch its First ME/CFS Biobank and Patient Registry
Australian philanthropic trust the Mason Foundation will establish the first Australian national ME/CFS biobank and patient registry, with a $1 million grant. The grant consists of two components: the biobank and patient registry, and a research project which uses the samples stored in the biobank. This is significant news for the Australian ME/CFS community, and has been picked up by mainstream media.

Greater London Authority Unrest screenings to raise awareness of ME
The Greater London Authority’s offices have held two Unrest screenings over the past few months to raise awareness of

Netflix’s “Afflicted” Cast Sues for Defamation
Four cast members of the Netflix series, Afflicted, have filed a lawsuit against Netflix and Doc Shop producers for

Gigi Update: Lewisham Hospital Removes Gigi’s Pain Medication, Leaving Her in Rising Pain
An update on Gigi’s situation: Gigi’s family are launching an urgent appeal to find lawyers to bring their daughter,

#MEAction Welcomes Michelle Pinedo to our Board of Directors
Listen to the article: #MEAction is pleased to welcome Michelle Pinedo to our Board of Directors. Michelle brings over 20

Today, We Honor and Remember those with Severe M.E.
Today, we honor the millions of people around the world living in darkened rooms where sound and light and

Researchers, Clinicians and Patients: Submit a Manuscript on ME to WORK Journal
Researchers, patients and clinicians are invited to submit a manuscript for consideration in a special issue of WORK: A Journal

Help ME/CFS Research and Clinical Care Research Win the Frontiers Spotlight Award! Download and View the Research!
A series of 24 papers on ME/CFS called “Advances in ME/CFS Research and Clinical Care,” published in 2018-2019 in

Support Severe ME Day: Join the Silence Challenge
August 8th is Severe ME Day. It is a day of awareness raising for those suffering severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

A petition cloaked in the respectability of research
#MEAction UK has written a letter with regards to a survey that states it is to protect specialist CFS/ME

#MEAction Volunteers-of-the-Month: MEpedia Stalwarts
#MEAction is honored to announce our volunteers-of-the-month, Innie and Pyrrhus, who are extremely dedicated contributors to MEpedia, our wiki encyclopedia for the

#MEAction Responds to Attacks on ME Community in The Guardian and Psychology Today
Listen to the article: Part 1: Part 2: In the past two weeks, The Guardian/The Observer and Psychology

Announcing the Art Picks for Postcards to Doctors
#MEAction is launching an initiative that will allow you to help educate your local clinicians, called Postcards to Doctors!

UK Teenager with Severe ME Threatened with Forced Institutionalization
The ME community is rallying around 17-year-old Jehan “Gigi” who has been hospitalized with severe myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) in

#MEAction Seeks Applicants for Blue Ribbon Fellowship at Bateman Horne Center
Bateman Horne center is opening applications for the #MEAction Blue Ribbon Fellowship. Announcing clinical clerkship opportunity for 4th-year medical

Announcing #MEAction’s Blue Ribbon Fellow: Investigating the Role of Folate in ME
The #MEAction Blue Ribbon Fellowship is excited to announce that medical student, Christopher Larrimore of Nova Southeastern University, has

Australia’s ME/CFS Advisory Committee Releases Final Report
The final report from Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council’s (NHMRC’s) ME/CFS Advisory Committee, established in late 2017, has been released. The committee was tasked with advising NHMRC’s CEO on current needs for research and clinical guidance for ME/CFS in Australia.

Enrolling: Naviaux Lab Metabolomics Study
Who: Looking for adult women with ME, Lyme’s Disease (post-treatment), or healthy controls that are currently living in Southern

Sign a petition to ask the EU for funding for biomedical research
Hello EU! The best way to combat a hopeless situation is to act! Please help us by signing a

Aid Without Asking: How to Support Someone with ME
The love of my life battles ME/CFS. It’s a disease that my father has also struggled with since I

Photographer Seeking Bay Area Subjects to Tell Story of ME
A Bay area-based photographer is seeking people with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) who are willing to share their stories and to be

Australian Teenager with Severe ME Describes Forced Psychiatric Treatment
Originally published on ME Australia. by Sam* Sam (*not her real name) is a teenager living in Australia’s largest

The ME/CFS Harvard Collaboration Holds its First Symposium
By Christopher Armstrong, PhD, OMF Science Liaison When the Harvard ME/CFS Collaborative at Harvard Affiliated Hospitals was initiated last

#MEAction Launches its U.S. State Chapter Initiative
We’re so excited to announce we’re growing our community’s impact through the expansion of #MEAction USA’s formal State Chapters.

Volunteers: the bedrock of every #MEAction Scotland campaign
Volunteers are at the heart of everything #MEAction Scotland does. We are always looking for more people to help

I’m angry, but I’m not alone.
I’m angry, but I’m not alone. Hi, my name is Ben HsuBorger, Director of Global Community and Campaigns for

Why the Fight is Personal
I am so honored to work with the #MEAction community on a daily basis. Our organization is fighting hard

Hannah Bowlus: Fighting Inequality, Finding Power in Community
I’m Hannah Bowlus and I’m the administrative assistant at #MEAction. I take care of basic things like mailing

Congressman Jack Bergman becomes Champion for ME!
Up with the Marines! We are so pleased that Congressman Jack Bergman (R, MI-1), a former Marine general, has