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As part of the #chilliMEchallenge we are encouraging people to tell us their #myMEstory and create awareness by putting a voice and a face to this illness.

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Occupy the US Department of Justice

Groups of chronically disabled patients, victims of medical abuse, will be assembling for a peaceful but passionate protest on the steps of USDOJ, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20530, from June 1 until July 4.

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ME Awareness – Tom's Appeal

My brother has made a video to promote his participation in the Edinburgh marathon (31st May) in aid of ME Research UK. Although partly a fundraising initiative, the video also delivers a powerful message and can be used as a tool for raising awareness. It has been viewed over 4,000 times in one week, and so far raised roughly the same amount in £. Please share as widely as possible. (or go to YouTube and search for ‘ME awareness – Tom’s appeal”

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Help DePaul Researchers Learn About Post-Exertional Malaise

We are conducting a research study because we are trying to learn more about what occurs before and during post-exertional malaise for individuals with Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), as well as how these individuals define the term post-exertional malaise. We are asking you to be in the research because you have a diagnosis of ME or CFS, speak English, and are 18 years of age or older. If you agree to be in this study, you will be asked to complete a survey. The survey will include questions about your post-exertional malaise experiences related to your ME or CFS. We will also collect some personal and demographic information about you, such as age, gender, race, marital status, income, level of schooling, disability information, and work status. The full survey can be completed online. If there is a question you do not want to answer, you may skip it.

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Spain hologram protest

Activists in Spain, after a new gag law curtailed the freedom to protest in front of Congress or parliament buildings, staged

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