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Thoughts on NIH speakers from Dr. Zaher Nahle

It was truly unsettling to learn about the news of an invited speaker lecturing at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) on November 9, 2016. For decades, the speaker has been a staunch adversary of studying the pathophysiology of ME/CFS and refuses to acknowledge its root cause. I have written many times previously, including in an editorial in March of this year, on the aftermath of the revitalization of the Trans-NIH ME/CFS Working Group—specifically on the perils caused by what I then called “ME/CFS deniers” and “psychosomatization sympathizers.” We will not dedicate additional time to these individuals or elaborate on their misguided theories on our pages other than to make the following three points…

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Watch the Bateman Horne Center Meeting Livestream

Lucinda Bateman, MD, BHC Founder and Medical Director, is engaged in thought leadership discussions on ME/CFS and FM across the globe, traveling to several conferences in Oct. At this meeting she will will recap the information, insights, progress and promise.

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New Research Project Launches through SMCI’s Targeted Initiative Research Program

SMCI recently launched a new partnership as a component of our targeted initiative program, within our Pathways and Biomarkers Discovery Track. The project consists of original research in the areas of bioenergetics, metabolomics, and lipidomics using high-throughput technology. Importantly, this new SMCI research project relies on blood from well-qualified patients from The Levine Clinic; it also builds on recent discoveries in gut microbiome from Dr. Maureen Hanson’s lab, which uses these same patients.

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Cast your vote today help fund epigenetic research for ME

Action CIND is competing in the Aviva contest for $100,000 to advance ME and FM research in Canada. REGISTER at, CAST 18 VOTES TODAY at, and SHARE contest information to help them.

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#MillionsMissing Crafts Competition

#MillionsMissing Crafts Competition We want to have fun while we work for equal treatment for ME sufferers! Win prizes! Submit photos and pattern of a crochet – or knitting project with the #MillionMissing logo. ( Also with a picture of the finished product). We pick three winners receiving a prize and they will be the designers behind #Millionsmissingnorway ‘s official patterns.

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We ask for attention and compassion with energy we don’t have. Often this is misunderstood.

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No more 'should': the aim to stop punishing myself for having ME

Have you ever noticed how so many of us beat ourselves up for having this chronic illness, almost as if it is invisible even to us, even as we feel the pain and exhaustion? While we feel the need to not give up and keep a hold of all we can of our lives, I’m becoming aware that I for one often get this fight tangled up with a lot of damaging self-judgement.

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The PACE Trial Fiasco

This study is the worst kind of science, and noticing flaws does not mean we are sociopaths or psychopaths. Neither does it mean we’re close-minded members of a group that’s only interested in our own views.

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A Plea for Decency to White, Chalder & Sharpe

The time for decency in the face of the overwhelming failure of PACE for many has justifiably passed you by, but potential futility aside, I make this appeal regardless. Every day there is a new ME/CFS patient. Today you can spare that patient from harm. You can spare them from being accused of malingering by their own friends and family. You can spare them from wrongful imprisonment in a psychiatric ward. Today you can set ME/CFS research on an expedited path that leads to real treatments and ultimately a cure. End this tragedy now.

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Join the NYC #MillionsMissing Protest

The NYC #MillionsMissing Protest has a full agenda and they are excited to announce several major speakers in attendance including local NYC ME/CFS physician (and Chair of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee), Dr. Susan Levine. In addition, local physician-scientist Dr. Mady Hornig from the Columbia University Center for Infection and Immunity (and the ME/CFS Microbe Discovery Project) will also be in attendance. NYC will also have several patients and caregivers tell their personal stories. If you plan to attend and would like to share your story at the protest, please contact them. Finally, as opposed to the shoe display used at other locations, NYC will be doing a unique display using balloons and posters.

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