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Thirty U.S. House Reps Show Support for Appropriation Language

Thirty U.S. House representatives signed a letter last week urging their colleagues on the House Appropriations Committee to attach language to its report on the fiscal year 2018 budget that encourages the NIH, CDC and HHS to accelerate and enhance its work in research and education for ME/CFS.

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Global Call-to-Action: Help secure the World Health Organisation's Classification of ME & CFS

Urgent call to action! We need all hands on deck for a simple, but important task! The World Health Organisation (WHO) is reviewing its International Classification of Disease (ICD) for its upcoming 11th edition (ICD-11). There has been enormous concern about what was going to happen to how ME & CFS are classified in the new edition. It’s crucial that we take action now!

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The Cut

Are you prepared for an 18% reduction in ME spending?
I’m not. For one thing, the first year of funding for the new Collaborative Research Centers is set aside in this year’s budget. But all bets are off going forward. Like many other RFAs, the one for ME Centers explicitly states, “Future year amounts will depend on annual appropriations.” So it is possible that future years of funding could be cut or eliminated.

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Coming Out of the Closet

Obviously, I still have not integrated the sick person I am with my self-concept. In my heart, I aspire to be an adventurer. In my brain, I am a popcorn popper of plans and temptations. In reality, I can do one activity and, on a good day, maybe two, but not day-after-day in a row. On a bad day I have to be still. I have to wait for the temporary reprieve that recovery mode will eventually bring.

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Calcium channel ion defects: research from Australia’s Griffith Uni.

Researchers from Queensland’s Griffith University recently identified a dysfunctional cell receptor in the immune system of people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).
Fifteen people meeting the Fukuda criteria for CFS were studied, against 25 controls. Considering the small size of the study, the results cannot be considered definitive.

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Video: How to protect American healthcare

Housing Works is mobilizing people who want to fight for health care. Housing Works provided this webinar last month on how to protect and improve healthcare in the U.S. using a tactic called “bird-dogging.”

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NIH funding: What will this mean for ME/CFS research at Columbia's CII?

If the Center for Infection and Immunity (CII) team is successful with its RFA application proposal, this funding would clearly help the institution to become a Collaborative Research Center, and would help to fund the analysis work involved in the Monster study – albeit slowly. If you’ve missed it, this study is not only about microbes and viruses; it was hugely expanded to include immunology, metabolomics, proteomics, genetics and epigentics.

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Letter to NIH: End the Insult

A person with ME for more than 38 years wrote this pointed letter to the National Institute of Health, calling its leaders to act with urgency and correct their gross neglect of people suffering with ME.

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How an Australian’s FOI request busted open a UK science scandal

The 2011 PACE trial examined the effect of graded exercise therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy against standard medical care, but refused to share their data.
West Australian Alem Matthees filed a UK Freedom of Information Act. The ruling released the data and further examination found glaring problems with the study.

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Living with a Spouse who has ME/CFS – webinar series

The Bateman Horne Center is honored to host a free, two-part discussion panel program: “Living with a Spouse Who has ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.” Part 1 will feature husbands whose wives are ill and part 2 will feature wives whose husbands are ill in an open discussion about an often difficult subject.

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