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Community Symposium Summaries Now Published
You can now read about the details in two published pieces.
End ME/CFS Worldwide Tour Continues
New tour dates announced: September 16 in Minneapolis and November 4 in Boston. Join us!
Explore the Science on ME
Leading scientists presented their research on ME/CFS at the day-long Community Symposium on the Molecular Basis of ME/CFS* at
Reading matters. Let's hear it!
The demise of my ability to read extensively is one of my greatest losses. I try, but pages petrify. A few paragraphs must do me now; some days a couple of lines. It’s an issue many #pwme wrestle with, and contributes to our sense of separation.
The Emotional Toll of Not Being Heard
This story won’t be particularly unique or shocking to anyone living with ME. Every single one of us has a plethora of stories like this, and far worse than this. It has happened so many times over the last 11 years. What shocks me is the degree to which it still occurs and manages to affect me, no matter how much time I spend trying to advocate for ME.
How to Build a Protest
Learn from the success of the #MillionsMissing protests that galvanized dozens of cities around the world to take to
Transitioning from an Abled Life
When a sudden and unexpected illness catapulted my life into a completely different path, life as I had come to know it, was irrevocably changed.
Ron Davis Gets Standing Ovation
August 12 was an amazing day at OMF’s Community Symposium on the Molecular Basis of ME/CFS at Stanford University.
FITNET trial criticised in Behavioural Sciences journal
Severe ME patients publish paper questioning central findings of Dutch CBT/GET trial
3 Ways You Can Join in a #TimeforUnrest
Update: View a recording of the call here – ————————— The September kickoff of the #TimeforUnrest campaign is just around the
We're upright in all but body!
#BedFest was quite the occasion. People appeared in PJ’s, crumpled t-shirts, crochet vests, keen to address the wider world; people whose voices are seldom heard, called together by #MEAction and its volunteers to share music, art, photography and multifarious creativity and raise ME-Awareness. We didn’t have to leave the house…
Scientists gather for ME/CFS symposium this Saturday: Watch online!
Influential scientific researchers in the ME/CFS community will come together this Saturday, Aug. 12 for a one-day community symposium
Support Severe ME Day: Join the Silence Challenge
August 8th is Severe ME Day. It is a day of awareness raising for those suffering severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
Update on the NIH Research Funding totals from SMCI
The Solve ME/CFS Initiative is disappointed to report that the projected estimates for FY 17 are being reported at lower numbers than expected.
Tell Congress "Don't defund ME/CFS!"
Last week, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor-HHS zeroed out the $5.4 million line item for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome at the CDC….again. Tell your members of congress to restore the funding for ME/CFS for next year’s budget. We cannot abandon the progress we’ve made so far!
Speak Up, Tweet Back, Write ME: Activist Messaging 101 in the Social Media Age
UPDATE: A recording of this community call can be found here. Join us for our next activist teach-in with
Journal of Health Psychology Special Issue on The PACE Trial, Vol. 22, No 9, Aug. 2017 Publication date: 31
#MEAction UK response to NICE 2017
#MEAction UK response to NICE 2017 Background information UK clinical guidelines are written by a body called the National
NICE 2017 response
10 year surveillance (2017) – Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (or encephalopathy) (2007) NICE guideline CG53 Stakeholder consultation comments form
Jennie Spotila: NIH's management of conflict of interest
EDITOR’S NOTE: This reporting is written by Jennie Spotila Next week, the NIH will convene a peer review panel
Action for M.E announces research
UK charity Action for M.E has announced that they are funding two new research studies, totalling £42,000
Troubled by NICE guidelines? Three easy ways you can help
When you go to the doctor, you expect treatment to help, not harm you. But the NICE (NHS) guidelines
Write to Your MP in 5 Minutes about the ME/CFS NICE Guidelines
The NHS’ NICE guidelines are badly out of date, and only offer two main treatments: Graded Exercise Therapy
Trifecta for ME awareness in Knoxville, Tennessee
Trifecta in Knoxville, Tennessee In an example of Knoxville leading the way for Tennessee, Mayor Madeline Rogero and the
The ME community can greatly benefit by adopting a local philosophy to activism.
Tuller on PACE Investigation Plans: Not Beholden to Anyone
#MEAction sat down with David Tuller recently for a wide-ranging discussion about the crowdfunding effort to help him continue his
Voices from Sacramento: Janet Dafoe and Ashley Haugen
Some of you may know Dr. Janet Dafoe and her daughter Ashley Haugen through their tireless advocacy work for ME. Dr. Dafoe’s son
Passionate Pragmatist: Carol Head and the Fight for ME/CFS Equality: The SMCI Pt. I
One of my deeply held personal values is that ALL people must be treated respectfully…I have found that respectful, highly knowledgeable, forceful advocacy language that expresses the desperate needs of our community is the most effective. But please do not mistake my professional, respectful demeanor as anything less than a cover for my righteous indignation and outrage at the inhumanity of our community’s treatment” Carol Head
New York State Health Commissioner Sends Letter to Physicians about ME
On Friday, May 26th, New York State (NYS) Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker emailed a letter regarding Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
Thank Senator Markey for Sponsoring the Congressional ME Briefing
Back in February 2017, Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) publicly announced at a packed town hall meeting that he would
City Proclamation for ME: How-To Guide and Case Study
Timbre Livesay and Mary Dimmock contributed to this article. This is an outline of the steps a California ME
Proclaim it Loud: States Issue Resolutions for ME
Government moves slow. Any action requires lengthy processes – all of the checks and balances intended to create better,
State Resolution for ME: How-to Guide and Case Study
Rivka Solomon and Mary Dimmock contributed to this article This document includes the steps ME advocates are taking to get
Julie Rehmeyer’s memoir is out. Purchase her book today!
“I read an early version of Through the Shadowlands while I was driving around the country, tent in my rental car, terrified that something inexplicable was wrong with me, convinced that I was losing my mind. Julie Rehmeyer’s book showed me that I wasn’t.
CA Senate will Vote on Resolution for ME/CFS Thursday – Call your Senator!
California – A resolution to proclaim May as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness (ME/CFS) Month will go before
Meet the Millions Missing – Protest to Raise Awareness of ME in Scotland
Press Release Details of the Event Millions Missing Edinburgh protest is being held from 1200-1400 on Friday 12th May
Show your Solidarity with the #MillionsMissing on May 12th – Protest Virtually
The #MillionsMissing are taking to the streets in 17 cities across the world on Friday, May 12th to once
#MillionsMissing Will Take to the Streets on May 12th – Join Them!
The #MillionsMissing are taking to the streets in 17 cities across the world on Friday, May 12th to once
#BedFest is almost here – Join the call Saturday!
#BedFest is an international art, performance and music festival created by people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
Contact your local journalist about #BedFest
Invite a journalist to cover the story of #BedFest in which artists with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis from all over the world have
Netherlands: Artists to showcase their work to raise awareness for ME
Anil van der Zee, 38, is a former professional ballet dancer in Amsterdam. In 2007, he contracted a viral
Show your Face to the World: #BelieveME
When you see a media representation of someone suffering with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (also called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), do you
Teach-In: Non-Violent Direct Action
If you missed the teach-in last week on Non-Violent Direct Action with Terri Wilder and Alexis Danzig, check out the webinar here.
Eleven Years with Severe ME – a Young Woman Writes Her Story
Jessica Taylor-Bearman has written a book called “A Girl Behind Dark Glasses” about her “forgotten years” of having severe
The Sleepy Girl Guide to Social Security Disability (U.S.)
Renegade disability guide for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
Webinar: Dr. Levine and Montoya to discuss developments in ME/CFS research
On Thursday, April 20, Solve ME/CFS Initiative (SMCI)‘s research webinar series will be a double feature with Dr. Susan Levine
The ME/CFS Biomarker Rollercoaster
Biomarkers are a holy grail for ME/CFS because they have the potential to help diagnose disease, track disease progression
Thirty U.S. House Reps Show Support for Appropriation Language
Thirty U.S. House representatives signed a letter last week urging their colleagues on the House Appropriations Committee to attach language to its report on the fiscal year 2018 budget that encourages the NIH, CDC and HHS to accelerate and enhance its work in research and education for ME/CFS.
Australian scientists publish study showing potential biomarker for ME
Scientists in Canberra and Melbourne have just published a study claiming to have found that activin B is a biomarker for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS).
Participants with ME/CFS were recruited using the Canadian Consensus Criteria.
Impact of proposed NIH and CDC cuts on ME Research
How would the proposed NIH and CDC Budget Cuts affect ME research? News organizations recently reported that President Donald
Join the Teach-In on Non-Violent Direct Action
Join us for a presentation and discussion on non-violent direct action with Alexis Danzig* and Terri Wilder on Sunday,
Global Call-to-Action: Help secure the World Health Organisation's Classification of ME & CFS
Urgent call to action! We need all hands on deck for a simple, but important task! The World Health Organisation (WHO) is reviewing its International Classification of Disease (ICD) for its upcoming 11th edition (ICD-11). There has been enormous concern about what was going to happen to how ME & CFS are classified in the new edition. It’s crucial that we take action now!
Engaging People with ME as Partners in the CRCs
The National Institute of Health’s RFA for ME/CFS Collaborative Research Centers breaks new ground. For the first time, the
Musician with ME produces EP from her bed
#MEAction is working with musician Kaeley Pruitt-Hamm to re-release her music video, “Believe Her,” to showcase the broader face