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Our Community will Not Suffer Stigma and Distortion
Last week was a difficult time for the ME community as we watched a few journalists deride and dismiss

Increased Funding for ME Research and Education
***UPDATE: THIS ACTION IS NOW OVER*** Congressmembers Zoe Lofgren and Anna Eshoo, are currently asking for support from their

A Glorious Moment for the Dutch Government to Step Up to the Plate
Today, exactly a year ago, a report by the Dutch Health council expressed the urgent message that immediate intervention is required regarding ME. And last December the current Minister of Medical Care, Bruno Bruins, stated that he would be following up on all accounts. As someone dealing with ME, I am eagerly awaiting the rest of this project, hoping to live a less restricted life.
Carol Head of SMCI to step down
After five years of advocacy leadership, Carol Head, the President of Solve ME/CFS (SMCI), will be stepping down from

Fighting for Rigorous Science and Accurate Reporting
On March 13, Reuters published an article, “Special Report: Online activists are silencing us, scientists say“. Reuters used their

Denmark: MPs will Vote whether to Recognise ME as WHO-defined disease!
This past Tuesday, March 12, Danish Health MPs unanimously agreed on a declaration that will recognise myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)

Enrolling: NIH Intramural Study
Overview The objective of this research study is to look in-depth at the clinical and biological characteristics of ME/CFS.

Australia: School Study on Teenagers with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
A recent study of Australian teenagers with chronic fatigue syndrome found CFS impacted their development of academic, cognitive and

Meet the Scientists: Australia’s Prof. Don Staines
‘Meet the Scientists’ is a series of interviews with researchers working on ME and chronic fatigue syndrome. We ask them

Denmark Parliament Holds Query on ME
#MEAction supports people with ME in Denmark today as the Danish Parliament discusses the treatment of people with myalgic

Plan for #MillionsMissing Now! Read the Toolkit!
#MillionsMissing 2019 is fast approaching, and now is the time to get started! Demonstrations calling for health equality for

Here’s What to Expect for ME Advocacy Day 2019
Last day to register to attend Advocacy Day in Washington, DC on April 2-3rd! If you are wondering if

Amazing Look@ME fundraiser in the UK!
On 3rd, February 2019, Look@ME held a supper quiz in North London to raise awareness for myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME).

Advocate for ME on the Hill! Only One Week left to Register!
You still have one week left to register for Advocacy Day 2019 in Washington, DC! You may be trying to decide

Announcing #MillionsMissing 2019! Join us!
Listen to the article: We are thrilled to announce #MillionsMissing 2019! This May, we will take to the

Get involved: support science and advocacy this April
April is going to be an incredibly exciting month for advocacy and for research into ME! The NIH is

Enrolling: Harvard brain scan PEM study — local only
Who: Michael VanElzakker, PhD, Massachusetts General Hospital/ Harvard Medical School is looking for participants living in, or near the

Amy Carlson – an Ally to the ME Community
Listen to the article: Allies are critical to the success of any movement and even more so in

Enrolling: Take an online survey to give feedback on a new app for ME
Listen to the article: Who: Doctors from Columbia Medical center are interested in creating a mobile app called

A loss to the ME community: Jonas Blomberg
You can listen to this article read aloud by visiting #MEAction’s Soundcloud here. It is with a heavy heart

HOMELESS: How AMMES is Keeping People with ME in their Homes
Years ago, Dr. Bell made the observation that many people currently living in cars most likely had chronic fatigue

Proud Accessible Activism: The ME Debate Virtual Demonstration
Throughout history, activism and campaigning have been a driving force for positive change across the world. From civil rights

HUGE Event for ME in Boston
Follow Rivka Solomon on Twitter: @RivkaTweets “Now that’s the kind of event that gives hope. Real hope. Tangible, actionable

Extended deadline – Attend the NIH Conference with a Scholarship from #MEAction!
#MEAction is currently accepting applications from medical students and practicing medical professionals to attend the National Institutes of Health meeting

Scottish Parliament Committee Hears Petition on ME
Listen to the article: On 24th January, the Scottish Parliament Public Petitions Committee heard evidence on three continuing petitions,

Historic Parliamentary Debate Shaped by People with ME
Listen to the article: On Thursday 24th January 2019 a historic debate took place. Over 40 MPs from

The Effects of Graded Exercise Therapy and Positive Thinking on a Young Girl with ME
Listen to the article: Exercise protocols prescribed for myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) were powerful enough for Cherry to ignore the

Register Now for ME/CFS Advocacy Week 2019!
Listen to the article: #MEAction and Solve ME/CFS Initiative (SMCI) are excited to announce a joint partnership for

Join the virtual demonstration in support of the ME debate!
Listen to this article on #MEAction’s Soundcloud here On Thursday afternoon, 24th January, MPs from all parties will be

What can you do before this Thursday’s ME debate?
Listen to this article on #MEAction’s Soundcloud here This Thursday 24th January, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) will be discussed in

UK Parliament will debate ME in historic House of Commons debate

Stuart Murdoch’s open letter ahead of the ME Debate
Stuart Murdoch is the lead singer of Belle and Sebastian. He has had ME for 28 years and he

Take Action Now! The UK debate on ME has been granted
Listen to this article on #MEAction’s Soundcloud here We are delighted that Carol Monaghan MP has managed to secure

Neuroinflammation review by #MEAction research fellows
Though science may speed along a bit fast to ‘catch’ on audio, you can also listen to me read

How to Represent ME at the Women’s March
#MEAction Colorado is organizing a small cohort to join the Women’s March in Denver this Saturday, Jan. 19th. (See

Are You a Young Person Affected by ME? How do you Visualize Health Equity? Join a National Contest
The U.S. National Academy of Medicine (NAM) is holding a contest for young people (ages 5 to 26) to

Tell NICE your experience of CBT/GET. Take the survey now!
The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is rewriting the UK ME guidelines. As part of this

Comment on Australia’s National Draft Report on ME/CFS – Open to Global Feedback
Australia’s NHMRC has released the ME/CFS Advisory Committee’s draft report for public consultation. The public consultation process will remain open until Monday February 18, 2019.

How Does ME Research Fare? Check Out these Piecharts.
Research scientist, Dr Mark Guthridge, PhD, from Melbourne Australia created this piechart to show that of these 13 diseases,

Enrolling: NIH Focus Group on PEM
Overview The NIH is currently looking for volunteers with ME/CFS to participate in a focus group that will be

Apply for Stanford Medicine X Conference as ePatient or Presenter – deadline Jan. 31st
Stanford University hosts an annual academic conference, Medicine X, every September to bring together community stakeholders, innovators and leaders

Study Shows that Red Blood Cells are Stiffer in People with ME
Listen to the article: Researchers have published a paper that shows various measures of deformability in the
2018 ME/CFS Research Summary
Commissioned and originally published by the Solve ME/CFS Initiative. Be sure to check out their interactive guide here. Follow
A Year in Review: Celebrating the 2018 Achievements of Our Community
2018 has been a big year at #MEAction! Thank you to all of you who have put forth immense
#MEAction Responds to NIH
As many of you know, #MEAction activists for myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) met with the director of the National Institutes

NEED HELP? Support and Crisis Resources
NEED HELP? Support and Crisis Resources Living with ME can be extremely difficult. #MEAction strives to create spaces of support.
Give in Someone's Honor
This holiday season, give the gift of support and love through a donation to #MEAction. Your donations go to
Advocacy Round-Up: End-of-Year, 2018
Our community’s advocacy work end with a big finale with our meeting with the director of the U.S. National
Community Roundup – End-Of-Year, 2018
As always, our community continues to amaze us with its tenacity, creativity, intellect, hard work and generosity. Enjoy a
Volunteer of the Month – A Source of Inspiration and Wisdom
Jenny Horner is another stalwart advocate in the myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) community who inspires us to dig deeper and
Join our #MEAction UK & #MEAction Scotland social media teams!
#MEAction UK and #MEAction Scotland are recruiting new volunteers to join our social media teams. We are looking for
Celebrating the 2018 Successes of Our U.S. State and Local Advocacy Groups
As the year comes to a close and we look over all that we have accomplished, we know that
Post-interferon fatigue study: a mixed bag
A study scheduled for our December research roundup entered the limelight yesterday due to an SMC campaign in the UK.
Holiday Win: 42 Members of Congress Sign on to Support People with ME/CFS
Thanks to another strong turnout from the ME/CFS community, 14 Senators and 28 Congressional Representatives joined together to