#MillionsMissing Fundraiser 2024
Amount raised
$108,425 (£86,628)
time until the end of the fundraiser
Support this year's #MillionsMissing Fundraiser.
Our goal: $150,000 (£118,638)
by June 21st.
This year, we are launching a national campaign to educate hospital systems and medical schools about ME by encouraging medical schools to Teach ME, and major hospitals to Treat ME.
Our goal is to offer solutions and ultimately build partnerships with these hospital systems to create change. The tenor of this #MillionMissing will be geared towards forging new alliances and working together to transform healthcare for people with ME.
We Need Your Support! We can’t run a campaign like Teach ME, Treat ME at the scale and impact we desire unless #MEAction has the financial resources to keep us going strong. Please consider making a donation today. Your donation makes a HUGE difference to the sustainability of our work. If you are unable to personally contribute, please encourage your family & friends to donate to #MEAction to fuel this vital initiative.
Through it all, #MEAction is creating relationships with important allies across hospital systems and universities, and building important partnerships for future work, like the partnership we had at Mayo that led to such an important CME in the first place. We are making a revolutionary jump forward in clinical care with our #Teach ME,Treat ME campaign. Please consider supporting our work.
#MillionsMissing was coined by a community member to represent the millions of people missing from their lives due to ME – missing from their careers, missing from time spent with family and friends, missing simple pleasures like sitting in the sun or taking a walk. We are missing because our governments have chosen to neglect us. We are missing millions of research dollars; we are missing educated clinicians; we are missing care and compassion; we are missing an urgent response from our governments.
Join in and contribute, no matter your financial resources or cognitive and physical capacity. Every action you take, now until June 21st, will help bring us one step closer to our goal.

Create An Individual Fundraiser
Help us reach our #MillionsMissing goal by creating your own individual fundraiser! You can create a website to share your story and share with your network.