#MillionsMissing 2022


Amount raised

$108,425 (£86,628)

time until end of fundraiser

Support our #MillionsMissing 2022 Giving Campaign. Our goal: US$200,000 (£157,244) by June 15th.

#MEAction is dedicated to advocating with and for people with ME. It is at the center of all we do. Whether that is through our dedicated support groups, federal agency advocacy, medical education efforts, or press engagement, we fight for recognition, funding, and support for all people with ME.

Together, we can transform research and medical care for all people with ME, now and for those to come.

If you can, this #MillionsMissing, please give to fuel the fight! 

Your donation to #MEAction will:

  • Continue our robust press engagement programs that get us featured in the biggest press outlets including the Atlantic, New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, The Guardian and more!
  • Help us advocate for ME inclusion in federal agencies Long COVID response at NIH, CDC, and HHS
  • Build our new volunteer pipeline and buddy system so that it is easier to engage and stay involved with #MEAction at the support, activism, and education levels.
  • Help us have a successful in-person protest in September. We need more resources to build a strong and powerful fight.
  • Provide support for future Activist Training Camps that give volunteers the tools to challenge institutions and fight for what we deserve.
  • Help us create more videos and content for our Stop.Rest.Pace. campaign.
  • Expand our work in the UK!
  • Continue our medical education initiatives and partnerships with new organizations.
  • Provide more training, teach-ins, and movie series.
  • Grow our support services and expand what we can offer!
  • Identify new resources for MEpedia.
  • And more!


There are many ways to join in and contribute, no matter your financial resources or cognitive and physical capacity. Every action you take, now until June 15th, will help bring us one step closer to our goal.


Help us reach our #MillionsMissing goal by making a one-time or recurring donation.


Mobilize your friends and family to support our #MEAction community. Start a Facebook fundraiser or post our donate button on Instagram. Find out how to participate in #MillionsMissing!
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