While research into ME has lagged behind due to low federal investment, the field is growing with the recent entry of new labs and growth in private and public support. Learn more about recent advances attend a conference, or connect with an existing research group.
Learn more about ME research
- #MEAction Research Summary
A summary of research in ME over the past 10 years - Beyond Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Redefining an Illness
The National Academy of Medicine’s extensive meta-analysis/literature survey
Supporting researchers
- Recruit patients for your research study
Now you can post recruitment announcements for enrolling studies at Recruitment announcements will also be added to our newsletter, which reaches over 30,000 patients and caregivers every month. - Sign up for our newsletter
Research news, conferences, funding announcements and other opportunities to support the movement as a scientist or researcher
Patient engagement with science
- MEpedia
A crowd-sourced Wiki project and living literature review summarizing current research in ME/CFS and related fields. All contributors welcome! - #MEAction patients and caregiver volunteers participate in a range of research efforts including the April 2019 NIH ME/CFS research conference.
Connect with conferences & scientific organizations around the world
Organizations that may be of especial interest to researchers
- International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (IACFS/ME) – biannual conference in the United States
- The Open Medicine Foundation
- Simmaron Research
- The Solve ME/CFS Initiative
Research Groups
- The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Research Center (CFSRC) at Stanford University
- The ME/CFS Initiative at Stanford University
- The Naviaux Lab at the University of San Diego
- The Bateman Horne Center, Utah
- The Hanson Lab at Cornell University
- Institute for Neuro Immune Medicine | Nova Southeastern University
- NeuroCognitive Research Institute
Organizations & Conferences
- ME Research UK
- Invest in ME – organizes annual conference in London
- The MEAssociation
Organizations, Conferences, and Research Groups
Organizations & Conferences
More to come!