#MEAction Scotland is a volunteer-led group determined to raise awareness of ME in Scotland and campaign for health equality for the patient community. We are an affiliate of #MEAction UK

Responsibility for delivery of  health services and policy decisions in Scotland are devolved to the Scottish Parliament. By being Scotland-specific, #MEAction Scotland can engage directly with Members of Scottish Parliament (MSPs) and NHS Scotland health boards. Where projects affect the whole of the UK, we work closely with the UK team.

Our Work


Get Involved in Campaigning

To get involved in any aspect of our work in Scotland, click on the image to contact us and arrange a chat with one of our volunteers.

You can also click here to join our #MEAction Scotland Facebook group.


#MEAction Scotland has developed a guide to give you the basic tools to help you feel confident in meeting your MSP. Click the photo above to read it now.


Take a look through the resources our volunteers have created to help you understand our work, as well as factsheets and guides to enable you to take action.


Questions to Ask Prospective MPs About ME/CFS

In the next few weeks, candidates will be knocking on doors seeking votes for the upcoming UK Election. It’s important that candidates from all parties are made aware of the challenges facing people with ME and Long Covid. It can be a little daunting to be unprepared so here are some questions you might want

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#MEAction UK’s letter to The Telegraph, Feb 2024

In  Judith Woods’ Comment piece on 2nd February 2024, ‘28-year-old Lauren Hoeve died by euthanasia – to a degree, I understand her pain’ she boldly asserts that a great deal of Lauren’s anguish was ‘psychological’.  The writer then belittles the immense pain suffered by people with severe ME, as Lauren did from 2019, as she

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A stock photo with a close up of some papers on a table, which have multi-coloured graphs and charts on them. A hand is holding a clear pen with a blue grip to the paper.

#MEAction UK and Scotland update prevalence figures based on new data

Both the UK and Scotland branches of #MEAction will start using updated figures for the prevalence of ME, based on a recent US survey. Unfortunately, all prevalence estimates for ME are of limited accuracy. This is due to a range of factors including, but not limited to, uncertainty around diagnosis, lack of confidence among healthcare

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Contact the Scottish team

Looking to contact someone else? Contact the global team here, or the UK team here.

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