Category: Scotland

Waiting for Superman Book on table

Waiting for Superman – UK Book Giveaway and Review

Do you want to win a free copy of Waiting for Superman? We have three copies to give away to people in the UK!  To enter, all you have to do is follow #MEAction UK on Instagram, like and comment on this post. The deadline is 9am (GMT) Monday 8th March! Win a copy! Thank

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#MEAction activists outside Scottish Parliament

Scottish Election! Ask your MSPs to support people with ME

If you live in Scotland, please join our campaign to ask your MSPs to pledge their support for people with ME. Email your MSPs The Holyrood elections are coming up on 6 May 2021 and we want to make sure that MSPs are aware of ME and the desperate need for support. There are more

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UK press team hits again with Mail Online article

#MEAction UK’s press team was instrumental in getting an excellent article published in the Daily Mail at the beginning of January. The article criticises the blanket advice of GPs to recommend exercise for long COVID patients without taking into consideration those with symptoms of ME, particularly post-exertional malaise.

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Scottish Sunday Express Publishes Comment Piece about ME

The Scottish Sunday Express published a Comment piece by Emma Shorter who shared her experience of getting a virus nine years ago and never recovering – as a warning and wake-up call for the government to adequately address long haulers who are not recovering from Covid-19.   Read the article.  Emma talks about how the practice

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