Category: Research

Sense About Statistics says: PACE trial doomed by flaws

Dr Rebecca Goldin, blogging for Sense About Statistics, has said that flaws in the design of the PACE trial “were enough to doom its results from the start”. Her 7,000-word post described the study’s design and the extensive changes to the planned analyses. Dr Goldin, who is the Director of the organisation, writes, “The study

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George Davey Smith to patients: “new era” for ME/CFS research

In an invited post on UK charity Action for ME’s blog, Professor George Davey Smith of Bristol University has told patients that the UK’s planned, major ME/CFS project, the Grand Challenge could “herald a new era in ME research”. Action for ME’s CEO, Sonya Chowdhury, described the project, which was announced at October’s UK CFS/ME

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Clarification on NINDS role in ME/CFS Research

After the March 8th telebriefing with the NIH, many advocates in the ME community still came away with questions. Billie Moore, NJME/CFSA Advocacy Chair, and member of the USAWGaAnd CDC’s TDW Workgroup, was one of them. Though representatives of the NIH spoke at great length about the big picture of the new ME/CFS efforts that the organization is

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24 organisations in 14 countries tell QMUL: release PACE data

All 13 organisations in the European ME Alliance (EMEA) have answered ME/CFS patient Clark Ellis’s call to request Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) to release data from the PACE trial. QMUL are due to appeal the UK Information Commissioner’s decision that they should release the data to a patient who requested it, at a

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New Bill Would Up NIH/FDA Funding For Neglected Diseases

Last Thursday, Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Patty Murray (D-WA) introduced an important new bill which seeks to increase funding for biomedical innovation and targeting diseases with unmet treatment needs. The $5 billion proposal, called the National Biomedical Research Act, is just one of six bills now being discussed by the Health, Education, Labor & Pensions

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CureME research news email service launches

Swedish ME patient Kasper Ezelius has announced the launch of an email service called CureME that will allow subscribers to both post and receive news on ME/CFS.   Subscribers can choose to receive research news only, which is the main focus of the site. Registration is free.   The list replaces Co-cure, an ME/CS information

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NIH Telebriefing Full Transcript + Audio

On Tuesday, March 8th, NIH held a one hour tele-briefing to answer the community’s questions about their plans for the intramural study and the ME/CFS program. What follows is a full transcript of the conference call. You can view the transcript and listen to the audio of the call on the NIH website.  On the call were

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#MEAction delivers Lancet PACE petition, makes Wall Street Journal

#MEAction delivers Lancet PACE petition, makes Wall Street Journal #MEAction has sent an 11,000-signature petition to The Lancet, calling for the retraction of “misleading” analyses and claims published in a 2011 PACE trial paper concerning the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy and graded exercise therapy for ME/CFS. Copies of the petition, which when printed were

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