Category: Research

Davis at Invest in ME: New Severe Patients Data

Invest in ME’s 2016 international research conference in London ended on Friday with a talk by Professor Ron Davis on his “Severely Ill, Big Data” project that was described by patients as “mind-blowing” and “really exciting”. His talk was the culmination of three days of research presentations by leading names in biomedical ME/CFS research including

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80th “Science to Patients” ME/CFS interview on YouTube

The Dutch ME/CFS Association (ME/CVS Vereniging) has posted the 80th in its video interview series, “Science to Patients” (“Wetenschap voor Patienten”), this time featuring British academic neuropsychiatrist Dr. Neil Harrison. Dr. Harrison, of Sussex University, discusses the possible role of inflammation in the brains of ME/CFS patients in seven mini-interviews in the series. In the

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Scientists write open letter to PLoS One

Five professors of science and mathematics, including Professor Ron Davis of Stanford University, have written to PLoS One demanding the correction of an “inaccurate claim” central to a PACE trial paper on cost-effectiveness that was published in the journal in 2012. Referring to a series of articles by Dr. David Tuller criticizing the PACE trial,

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Speeches from the front lines of #MillionsMissing: Carol Head

I’m Carol Head, President of the Solve ME/CFS Initiative, here with Linda Tannenbaum.  Our organization conducts innovative research to solve ME/CFS. We conduct research and have created a biobank of ME/CFS patient information for use by all researchers. Before I begin, a quick note of thanks to Mark Cormizand. As you may know, we are

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Whittemore presents ME/CFS proposal to NIH, May 26, 2016

Chairman: For open session, this is a concept clearance, and just to remind you, normally we’re expected to spend our appropriated funds, sort of open to all things within our mission, and if we decided to a priori say we’re going to set aside a pot of money for some particular topic, then we need to

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CFS Advisory Committee Meets

The CFS Advisory Committee meeting included reports from federal agencies and substantive recommendations from subcommittees. But public comments were a reminder that we are running out of time.

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Donate to Columbia's Center for Infection and Immunity

The Center for Infection and Immunity (CII) at the Mailman School of Public Health in New York is internationally recognized as the world’s largest and most advanced academic center in microbe discovery, identification and diagnosis. Dr. Lipkin and Dr. Hornig and the CII team are thoroughly on the case of ME/CFS but they need our community support.

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Dr Hornig’s talk in Sweden now available

Dr Hornig went into more depth about their published cytokine work, as well as what they are working on and trying to achieve. The talk was jam-packed with great science and information. Dr Hornig talks about the crisis in funding, looking at gene expression and gene variants, screening for up to 1.7 million vertebrate viruses, metabolomics, looking at how the immune system and the microbiome could affect metabolism and the brain – and much, much more!

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UK plans world’s biggest biomedical ME/CFS study

Biomedical scientists from a range of disciplines met for a two-day workshop in Bristol on 13 and 14 April to discuss the ME/CFS “Grand Challenge” project, which plans to use a “big data” approach to the biochemistry of the illness and determine whether it is, as suspected, several different diseases. The study will be the biggest

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UK ME/CFS Biobank opens for business

Dr Charles Shepherd of the ME Association has announced that the UK’s ME/CFS Biobank is now ready to send blood samples to researchers anywhere in the world. The biobank is run by a team headed by Dr Luis Nacul at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and forms part of the main University

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