Category: Politics

Update: the ongoing work of #MillionsMissing

  Momentum continues from the #MillionsMissing campaign that was born last May. Activists took to the streets worldwide in 11 cities in May –  and in 25 cities in September – to protest their government’s neglect of people with ME. While the posters are now stored away, activism has continued behind the scenes in follow-up

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#MillionsMissing Holland gets the ear of the Minister of Health

#MillionsMissing Holland has made its voice heard in the House of Representatives.   House of Representatives member Linda Voortman has filed questions about ME based on the protest demands with Holland’s Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport, Edith Schippers. In the letter, Voortman asks the minister of health if she is willing to provide more

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21st Century Cures Act Passes House with Overwhelming Bipartisan Support

21st Century Cures Act Passes House with Overwhelming Bipartisan Support ME/CFS advocates have been eagerly awaiting passage of the 21st Century Cures Act since it was initially introduced in 2013, given it was originally written to increase NIH funding and fast-track research and treatment development. On Wednesday, November 30, a compromise bill with modified provisions from the original 21st Century Cures Act swept the House… READ MORE

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#MEAction US protest demands

These demands were originally issued for the May 25, 2016 MillionsMissing demonstrations. Minor revisions were made to the demands in November 2016 to reflect community input on the definition, the primer, the name, and the need for improvements in clinical care.   You can access and download a pdf of the revised protest demands by clicking

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Director Collins responds to 55 Congressional Representatives' Letter of Concern

Recently, #MEAction in conjunction with other advocacy organizations and many individual advocates have also successfully lobbied Congressional members to achieve: Favorable language to ME in the FY 2016 House appropriations report; Congressional tweets of support for the #MillionsMissing Day of Action on Sept. 27, 2016, which called attention to the millions of Americans struck down by

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Canada: officials turn down grant app because CFS "isn't real"

For many months the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Canadian equivalent to the NIH, has advised that: “The IMHA [the Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis] has committed to supporting the creation of a national network for translational research in ME/CFS in 2016-2017. This network will facilitate capacity building and provide a forum to

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Urgent: Take part in the US Congressional Call to Action

#MEAction reported recently that the #MillionsMissing protests led to a number of meetings with government officials, including a meeting with Assistant Secretary for Health and Human Services Karen DeSalvo, and several meetings with congressional representatives. Continued work from the Congressional team at #MEAction has yielded fruit. [pullquote align=”left” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Reps Zoe Lofgren

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