Category: Politics

Clarification on NINDS role in ME/CFS Research

After the March 8th telebriefing with the NIH, many advocates in the ME community still came away with questions. Billie Moore, NJME/CFSA Advocacy Chair, and member of the USAWGaAnd CDC’s TDW Workgroup, was one of them. Though representatives of the NIH spoke at great length about the big picture of the new ME/CFS efforts that the organization is

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Help Disabled Bolivian Activists Cross Andes in Wheelchairs

#MEAction, in collaboration with the Association of People with Disability (APD) in Bolivia, have launched a campaign to raise funds for the brave individuals that are risking their lives to demand equality from their government. Our goal: raise $10,000 by Saturday, March 19th     It all started 50 days ago at the main square in

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#MEAction meets with Senate staffers

This week #MEAction, in collaboration with Solve ME/CFS and USAWG, conducted advocacy efforts with members of Congress to make two key requests for the benefit of greater ME/CFS medical research funding. Senators were asked to support a letter to NIH Director Francis Collins requesting that an equitable share of the $2 billion increase in fiscal

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New Bill Would Up NIH/FDA Funding For Neglected Diseases

Last Thursday, Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Patty Murray (D-WA) introduced an important new bill which seeks to increase funding for biomedical innovation and targeting diseases with unmet treatment needs. The $5 billion proposal, called the National Biomedical Research Act, is just one of six bills now being discussed by the Health, Education, Labor & Pensions

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Open letter to Francis Collins, director of NIH, concerning myalgic encephalomyelitis

Open letter to Francis Collins, director of NIH, concerning myalgic encephalomyelitis Dear Francis Collins: The following happened since I got sick, without the NIH funding myalgic encephalomyelitis (m.e.) as a global crisis: Humans landed on the moon AIDS discovered, science, HIV discovered, excellent treatments; 2015 US funding $30.7 billion.1 multiple sclerosis sufferers released from mental

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Over twenty US organizations and advocates announce new working group

Help us build a powerful, participatory voice for change in Washington #MEAction is thrilled to announce that we are coming together with over twenty organizations, bloggers, and independent advocates to form a US Action Working Group. We aim to create a powerful, participatory voice for change in Congress, across our federal agencies, and in medicine. Read the

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Tell Congress to Increase ME Funding

Have you always wanted to email your Congressmen/ women about ME/CFS but don’t know what to say? Or maybe you’re too sick to draft a letter? We’ve made it easy! Just go to the listed website and copy and paste the sample letter!

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