Category: #MillionsMissing

#MillionsMissing: Videos Created by our Amazing Community

This year’s #MillionsMissing, our community created some amazing videos that we are privileged to highlight. This is just a small sampling of the amazing videos that were shared with us. It would be impossible to include them all, but we thank you all for sharing! Chronic — Maggie Borgen M.E. & Friends — Lisa Walker

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#MillionsMissing MAY 2022 Wrap Up

Thank you for sharing your stories, for illustrating our common thread so that our governments, healthcare systems, and other institutions can respond fully to the crisis of ME, Long COVID and other complex, chronic conditions. As Omar Wasow said in his #MillionsMissing speech, “We are at the cusp of newfound power.”  “That has the potential to

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Research Update: The NIH Intramural ME/CFS Study

National Institutes of Health researchers who began what may be the deepest biological investigation ever of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) are writing up their findings and plan to circulate a draft among their large team of scientists and physicians for feedback soon.  “The study will help patients and should move the field forward in

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#MEAction Meets with the Department of Labor

#MEAction continues our advocacy for the #MillionsMissing in a recent meeting with the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) at the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) where we presented on community issues affecting people with ME and Long COVID and offered policy recommendations that DOL can take to address them. President Biden’s Memorandum tasks DOL

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Elevating stories of the #MillionsMissing to HHS leadership

#MEAction is advancing ME/CFS advocacy efforts through our ongoing engagement with U.S. federal agencies, including at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). We continue to fight for our government to do more to meet the needs of people with ME, and to ensure that the evolving Long COVID federal response includes ME/CFS.  Read

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#MEAction Presents: Not Going Quietly Screening & Panel

We have a very exciting opportunity to come together and watch the award-winning documentary Not Going Quietly. We also have an amazing live panel set up to discuss it with us immediately afterwards. Terri Wilder will be moderating and she shares her enthusiasm with us in this short video: Get Your Tickets Here We can

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An Update from #MEAction

#MEAction has been a leader in the fight for health equity for people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis for the past six years, as led by our visionary co-founder and first executive director, Jen Brea, and then by our current executive director, Julia Miele, over the past year. Julia has helped our growing organization streamline our processes,

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#MillionsMissing 2022 Will be in Two Parts

This year, we are excited to announce that #MillionsMissing will be held in two parts: May and September! #MillionsMissing is about demonstrating our community’s collective refusal to let the stories of people with ME be erased, or access to healthcare and medical research blocked. We protest against all barriers to justice for the growing community

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The Last Two Years Changed the World…

What a year 2021 was! People with ME have always faced formidable challenges: every day combatting stigma, lack of understanding from clinicians, NIH’s and CDC’s low budgetary commitments, and a world of challenges navigating disability on top of symptoms.  It’s no exaggeration to say that 2020 and 2021 changed the world – and the world of chronic,

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#MEAction Hosts an Artist’s Salon During #MillionsMissing

#MEAction Hosts an Artist’s Salon During #MillionsMissing

Activism comes in many forms, and #MEAction recognizes the significant role that art can play, not only as healing and cathartic expression, but as a powerful tool to move hearts and drive change. The ME community is host to talented artists all over the world, and we wanted to celebrate their gifts by hosting a

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