Fund Research into CFS/ME and Educate Health Professionals
I am one of the 250,000 people in the UK suffering with CFS/ME. Please help us to get the help that we so desperately need.
I am one of the 250,000 people in the UK suffering with CFS/ME. Please help us to get the help that we so desperately need.
“Scientists are reporting the first clear evidence that muscle cells distribute energy primarily by the rapid conduction of electrical charges through a vast, interconnected network of mitochondria — the cell’s “powerhouse” — in a way that resembles the wire grid that distributes power throughout a city.”
Ampligen price more than doubling in the US? As many patients who are receiving Ampligen in the US already know, the price of Ampligen is set to dramatically increase. Two patients I spoke with today said the price would more than double from $75 a vial to $200 per bottle. At their current dosages, that would raise the