Category: Medicine

rectangle red image with the #teachmetreatme logo and the words we can't believe these numbers.

#TeachMETreatME: We Can’t Believe These Numbers

We tallied up some numbers from our #TeachME, TreatME campaign to educate clinicians and medical students about ME, and the results are fantastic! The campaign has been a herculean effort by #MEAction staff and our 16 incredible teams across the U.S and U.K., and we are beyond proud!  And, the campaign is ongoing! You can

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red rectangle image. #TeachMETreatME logo in the center with the words, share the Mayo Clinic CME with your doctor

#TeachMETreatME: Share the Mayo Clinic CME With Your Doctor

We encourage you to share the Mayo Clinic Proceedings Continuing Medical Education (CME) course on ME/CFS with your doctor! It is a wonderful opportunity for your clinician to get their continuing education credits, and learn about ME at the same time! Clinicians are often appreciative to receive these materials!  We’ve created an email template for you to

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The image is of a scientific lab with a woman in a white lab coat looking through a microscope

Protecting the Most Vulnerable: Complexities of Vaccines and Chronic Illness

It has been over a year since the COVID-19 vaccine became available, and a subset of people with myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) are reporting adverse effects from getting vaccines and boosters from all manufacturers. There are also rare reports of people without pre-existing conditions developing Long COVID and ME/CFS symptoms after getting

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University of the West of Scotland Looking for Research Participants Featured Image

Be part of designing UWS research into ME and long COVID

UPDATE: The research team have let us know that they’ve received a huge response to this request and they now have the information they need. They’ll be in touch with people individually if they are eligible to participate in the study. If you got involved, thanks for your support! Researchers at the University of the

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In Memory of Dr. Ronald G. Tompkins MD, ScD

Mourning the loss of Dr. Ron Tompkins

Today #MEAction joins the community in mourning the loss of Dr. Ronald G. Tompkins, MD, ScD, who passed away this week. Ron Tompkins was a clinician, clinical researcher, and friend and ally to people with ME. He was the Sumner M. Redstone Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School, Founding Director of the Center for

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