Category: Featured news

Dr Jarred Younger continues YouTube webinars

Dr Jarred Younger has completed another in his ongoing series of live webinars and recorded videos on his research into ME/CFS, fibromyalgia and Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) at the University of Alabama. Dr Younger is Director of the Neuroinflammation, Pain and Fatigue Laboratory at the university. The latest webinar was Part II of a Q&A

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NIH's Vicky Whittemore to speak at Invest in ME conference

Invest in ME (IiME) have announced that Dr Vicky Whittemore of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) will give keynote speeches at the charity’s biomedical research colloquium and conference in London in early June. IiME described the events as “a fantastic gathering of researchers”. The charity had approached the NIH in order to invite

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#MillionsMissing announces US protest demands

ANNOUNCING MEETING ABOUT THE DEMANDS These demands were originally intended for a protest in Washington D.C. alone, but over time, #MillionsMissing has grown into a national, multi-city protest. With that in mind, we will have an open community meeting on Wed. May 11th, 2 pm EDT to discuss the demands and hear any questions or

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Patients and professor publish biomedical ME/CFS paper

Professor Jonathan Edwards, along with several ME/CFS patients and a carer with scientific backgrounds have co-authored a peer-reviewed editorial on the disease that appears in the latest issue of the journal Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior. The article is titled, The biological challenge of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: a solvable problem. The paper has gained

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The Psychologist: PACE has “problems with transparency”

Professor Chris Ferguson has called the PACE trial authors’ failure to release data from the trial one of “the most dramatic pieces of ‘bad news’ for academic psychology during 2015.” He made his remark in the May issue of the British Psychological Society’s official magazine,  The Psychologist, which is read by the Society’s 50,000 members.

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Professor Stephen Holgate: UK has “dream team” for Grand Challenge

________ Note: This article has been updated to provide context about the long-running controversy over the CMRC’s inclusion of of not only biomedical scientists but of researchers who take a biopsychosocial approach to ME/CFS. Some of this context was supplied in our earlier piece announcing the livestreaming of the AGM but we accept that many

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NIH to focus its 'world-class' technology and expertise on ME/CFS

A pdf of this article is now available here. On 21 April Dr Avindra Nath gave a Solve ME/CFS Initiative webinar hosted by Dr Zaher Nahle. The phrase that stood out in Dr Avindra Nath’s description of the NIH ME/CFS study was ‘world-class’. He emphasized the innovative technology the NIH has at its disposal, and

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Centre for Welfare Reform criticises PACE trial

The Centre for Welfare Reform has published a 64-page report criticising the PACE trial and relating the study to the debate over welfare reform and cuts to disability benefits in the UK. The report’s author, George Faulkner, discusses how the biopsychosocial model has helped create a climate in Britain in which the sick are seen

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