Category: Featured news

Living with a Spouse who has ME/CFS – webinar series

The Bateman Horne Center is honored to host a free, two-part discussion panel program: “Living with a Spouse Who has ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.” Part 1 will feature husbands whose wives are ill and part 2 will feature wives whose husbands are ill in an open discussion about an often difficult subject.

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Stanford team announces update on ME/CFS research

A research team at Stanford gave an update yesterday on some of the breakthroughs its team has made in understanding the metabolic cycles that are not working properly in people with ME/CFS that might be at the heart of the disease. Ronald W. Davis, PhD, made the announcement via YouTube. Davis directs the CFS Research Center

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Canada uses “bird-dogging tactics” to force meeting with health minister

Toronto: #MillionsMissing activists attended their federal health minister’s “meet-and-greet” on Jan. 14th to ask the health minister to respond publicly to their request that she announce Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) is a biological – and not psychological – illness. This tactic to pin down an official with a specific question in a public venue is called

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pwME to NIH: People with ME are Being Murdered by Neglect

An American with ME had strong words for the National Institute of Health (NIH): You have stolen 40 years of my life. Johanna Kaiser gave a brave testimony about the neglect of people with ME during the February 1, 2017 phone meeting with the NIH in which institute leaders answered questions about the planned ME research

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NIH answers questions about research centers for ME

Want to know more about the research centers and data center being planned for ME/CFS by the National Institute of Health (NIH)? Directors at the NIH discussed the research centers and answered questions from people with ME along with researchers in a phone call on Feb. 2. The NIH will provide $30 million over the

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ME Activist Basics: Bird-Dogging and YOU!

Bird-dog: (verb) search out or pursue with dogged determination. Contact with elected officials at town hall meetings cannot be overvalued. Handfuls of bird-doggers attend meetings around the country and change the course of history everyday.  Never heard of bird-dogging?  Bird-dogging is a strategy used by activists who seek out elected officials, pin them down with

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US: Family testifies about CDC's harmful recommendations at CFSAC

A member of the Shaw family reads their testimony during the comment period at the January CFSAC meeting: Good afternoon. I have had untreated ME/CFS for 38 years. Our testimony today is on the topic of the Center for Diseases Control’s (CDC) CFS group. The 2015 National Academy of Medicine report characterizes post-exertional malaise, or

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US: Read Terri Wilder's CFSAC Testimony

  The CFS Advisory Committee (CFSAC) provides advice and recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) through the Assistant Secretary for Health on issues related to myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). The committee meets twice-yearly, and recently met Jan. 12-13, 2017.  #MEAction activist, Terri Wilder, spoke during the comment period at

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